No-Bake Chocolate Coconut Oil Patties
This melt-in-your-mouth, superfood recipe takes minutes and satisfies your chocolate cravings and sweet tooth. Get your daily coconut oil the fun way.
Best yet it’s free from added sugar, gluten, grains, dairy and artificial ingredients. It can be easily tweaked to meet Paleo and vegan standards. This is an easy, flexible way to enjoy a healthy treat, and a fun way to get your daily dose of coconut oil.
Mine are in the picture above – one with toasted coconut and one that is plain.
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No-Bake Chocolate Coconut Oil Patties
Serves 1, approximately 15 minutes
You will need:
Parchment or wax paper
3 teaspoons of cocoa powder or [easyazon_link identifier=”B001E5E0Y2″ locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]raw cacoa[/easyazon_link] (I prefer non-raw cocoa powder)
3 teaspoons of [easyazon_link identifier=”B002VLZ8D0″ locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]coconut oil[/easyazon_link]
1 teaspoon of [easyazon_link identifier=”B000Z93FQC” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]raw honey[/easyazon_link]
2 drops of vanilla extract
Choose your favorite extracts, flavorings or toppings such as toasted or raw coconut flakes, [easyazon_link identifier=”B00MHDWV6O” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]hemp seeds[/easyazon_link], almonds or hazelnuts.
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How to create:
Thoroughly mix ingredients (except the toppings) in a small glass bowl. Use a fork and thoroughly mesh the coconut oil with the powder, trying to get all the chunks. When it is a paste-like consistency, taste and adjust. Use a rubber spatula to gather onto the parchment paper. Shape and add toppings. Cover with another piece of parchment paper and transfer to freezer for at least 10 minutes until hardened. Can make multiple patties and stack in freezer using parchment paper as dividers.
Tips: reduce amount of honey and add crushed, all-natural peppermint candies on top for a quick all natural chocolate-peppermint bark!
Want peppermint patties instead? Mix mint extract with this [easyazon_link identifier=”B00NP7TVGO” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]coconut spread[/easyazon_link] and place between two plain chocolate patties. Press and return to freezer for awhile. Note: you can also place a full-fat can of coconut milk in the fridge and in 24 hours, skim the cream off the top and whip it with a mixer for awhile with some mint, vanilla and sweetener. (I didn’t officially try that last method but when I opened the cold can, I saw the possibilities!)
Check out these superfoods that you could easily add to your chocolate patty mix.
This article (No-Bake Chocolate Coconut Oil Patties) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Heather Callaghan and Natural
Heather Callaghan is an independent researcher, natural health blogger and food freedom activist. You can see her work at Like at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.