5 Trends You Will See Intensify in 2015
By Marco Torres and Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease
We are creatures of habit and when things go wrong we play the blame game, whether it be directed to ourselves or others. The coming year will be shaped by an increased sense of personal responsibility and rising numbers of people divided on critical issues related to our food supply, our water, our medicine, our health and the planet itself.
All nations on Earth are now living in the times of change and accelerated chaos. Nothing is the same any more. The past few years alone have been a thorn in the side of Mr and Mrs. Consistency. In fact, the only thing that has been consistent is change. As each year passes, we see a greater contrast in shorter period of time.
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Those who want change are putting their neck out and standing up for what they believe in. Others are satisfied with following the blind. Some claim the difference is being awakened while others suggest it’s just our time for a major shift to shake what we believe to be normal.
The greatest divisions to separate our species are unfolding at this very moment and the trends that have defined the landscapes of societal values, political will and moral education are being challenged at unprecedented levels. Here are 5 trends that will intensify next year.
1) People Eating For Health Rather Than Fads
More people will begin eating for their health and not necessarily choosing a dietary strategy based on a moral decision. That means diet fads will eventually become obsolete as people become ultra informed on making decisions that best suit their metabolic type. The future of nutrition will be based on eating to “fuel” our body’s cells and our engines of metabolism. As more people migrate to the foods that align with their own body, rather than a perceived ideal of what we “should” eat, we will see a growing contingency of healthy eaters who select foods based on the best possible choices for individualized nutrition. This means there will be two types of people moving forward: those who cannot move past their own ideology; and those that will. For those that will, it will mean a lesser extent of arguments, debates and anger directed towards specific dietary choices, regardless of whether somebody chooses vegan, raw, vegetarian, paleo, Mediterranean, junk food, etc. It won’t matter as much as it used to. More people will be concerned about the purity of our food and water supply, the banning of GMOs, agricultural practices and so many other issues that will bind groups together towards a common goal. For those who cannot move past their dietary ideologies and accept those of others, they will detach from this growing contingency and unfortunately be left in the minority.
2) People Standing Against Toxins In Our Food
Growing numbers are also now uniformly rejecting toxic additives in our food supply. As the evidence continues to mount against artificial flavors/colors, enriched wheat, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, canola oil, aspartame and the abundance of other harmful preservatives, emulsifiers and artificial sweeteners, the public perception of food production is changing. We are on the precipice of discovering what our toxic food industry has done to our bodies and our environment. What used to be acceptable is no longer acceptable and people are speaking up. There is a heightened awareness and a sense of caution on the minds of most grocery shoppers. The length of time spent reading ingredient labels in between aisles has increased exponentially in the last decade. There will be growing interest in whole foods, fermented foods, non-gmo verification, superfoods, clean and affordable filtered water, sustainable food supplies among many other trends.
3) People Standing Against Toxins In Our Water Supply
The next two years will see more communities remove dangerous chemicals such as fluoride from their water supplies. Since 2010, 168 communities have rejected fluoride and those numbers will only continue to grow. More Americans will become informed on the fact that fluoride is one of the few openly admitted toxins by the US government, known to be harmful to our health, yet absolutely no action is being taken to restrict its use on a federal level. The evidence that fluoridation is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming and policy makers who avoid thoroughly reviewing recent data and banning the toxin will risk a huge backlash from the public as supporters for non-fluoridated communities rise.
4) People Standing Against Toxins In Medicine
Perhaps the most evident in this area will be among vaccines. There are simply no safe vaccines and there is no possibility at this time of making vaccines safer because manufacturers are unwilling to remove the toxins they claim are necessary within vaccine formulations. People are now listening more than ever and the message is spreading like wild fire. The evidence being highlighted is that the historical significance and effectiveness of vaccines is nothing more than repeated myths absent of any real-life data. Unless you don’t have an opinion at all on vaccines, you likely fall into one of the five phases of awareness and awakening and the coming year will shift more people from being on the fence, to coming to terms with all the risks that outweigh the benefits. There are now millions of educated and informed groups of people that will stop at nothing to expose the dangers of vaccinations. Their numbers are growing by the day and as government and medical officials hold on to the vaccination fairy tale that it does no harm, the separation between those who continue to propagate this myth and those against it will only intensify in 2015. Among health care, there is also mass interest in alternative and complementary health methods which is now a multi billion dollar industry, especially as the skepticism of medical patients increases regarding conventional medicine, their methods and symptomatic short-term thinking which many believe has caused western nations great disservice regarding human health.
5) Personal Responsibility For Our Health
We can no longer hide from the disease epidemics nor face the consequences of sustaining a chronically ill population with ever-increasing health care costs. Fear has driven millions of people to submit to medical practitioners who can only provide symptomatic relief and inevitably prolong illness. This is changing and as we begin to honor the many great Physicians for their good will, we will also see the limitations of medical practice and its ability to heal.
We will soon stop blaming others for our personal failures regarding our state of health. We will begin taking a greater sense of responsibility in what we eat and how we move our bodies. We will pursue physical activity to a greater extent this year for enjoyment and health rather than fitness or weight loss. Constant, consistent physical movement throughout our daily lives is the single most important thingwe can do to be physically healthier and smarter, regardless of age. It’s time for an new era in movement. Movement towards physical and mental health. As we align with physical activities that allow us to express our movement patterns, more people will benefit from increased cardiovascular and muscular health. Nutrition as well as our choice of health practitioners will also take on new experimentation in 2015 as we become more comfortable with giving our bodies personalized nutrients and care at the highest levels with experts that can provide guidance on how we can heal ourselves.
Marco Torres and Michael Forrester write for Prevent Disease where this article first appeared.