10 Powerful Benefits of Adding Turmeric to Your Diet
by Anna Hunt
Delicious raw in smoothies or salad dressings, or as the savory orange spice behind the splendor of curry dishes, Turmeric is proving again and again to be one of the most beneficial and versatile natural health supplements one can take, and, it is surprisingly easy to grow. Turmeric, also known as Curcurma Longa, is related to the well-known ginger plant and also produces a rhizome that grows just beneath the ground. Its tall and brightly colored tropical green leaves are beautiful in the garden and commonly used in landscaping, but the rhizomes are harvested as food and medicine, or re-planted seasonally.
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To grow this beneficial plant this, one only needs a few rhizomes, a pot and a sunny place. Just place a small section of the rhizome an inch or two under the soil and water regularly. They prefer tropical climates and plenty of rain, but are known to grow exponentially in a single season of 4-6 months with lots of water and sun. This is a remarkably easy to grow herb for everyday consumption and for preparedness gardens.
Turmeric is delicious in many recipes, and ideas for using it in the kitchen are easy to find. In addition to eating it in its raw form, it’s commonly dried and ground into a powder or used in many delicious variations of curry spices. High quality organic turmeric powder is available for cooking and crafting medicines, and turmeric supplements in the form of capsules can also readily be found. Additionally, there are also many forms of tinctures, and extracts, that can be used to various beneficial ends. Bio-dynamic, organic Turmeric is also used in the production of high quality multi-vitamins.
In recent years there has been a growing body of scientific evidence indicating that Turmeric has incredible medicinal value, and here are 10 amazing health benefits of turmeric.
- Turmeric can help to prevent and heal some forms of cancer.
- Turmeric can be of significant benefit in the treatment and prevention of Diabetes.
- Turmeric is a detoxifying food and can help the body remove from poisons, heavy metals and illness.
- Turmeric extract is an effective alternative to some anti-depressants.
- Turmeric can protect and regenerate the liver.
- Turmeric can relieve arthritis pain, and stop inflammation.
- Turmeric supports a healthy brain and heart.
- Turmeric boosts the immune system and can replace certain vaccines.
- Turmeric can help in weight loss.
- Turmeric can elevate the spirit.
As Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be food.” This is indeed true and Turmeric is one of the most potent, effective, and easy to incorporate foods to your diet. Grab some rhizomes try it out in your next smoothie or dish, and be sure to save a few to plant some in the garden. Learn more about this healing plant and take the time to learn how to prepare it for various things, like the following video which demonstrates how to make the Ayurvedic recipe, Golden Milk, which is very effective in treating chronic pain and inflammation:
Anna Hunt is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She and her husband run a preparedness e-store outlet at www.offgridoutpost.com, offering GMO-free storable food and emergency kits. Anna is also a certified Hatha yoga instructor at Atenas Yoga. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. Read more of her excellent articles here.