Top 7 Reasons To Eat More Watermelon
by Alanna Ketler
When the summer comes around people everywhere are indulging in watermelon (honestly, who doesn’t love watermelon?) and for good reason. This sweet, refreshing, hydrating fruit is a perfect way to cool down on a hot day and will provide your body with an array of amazing nourishing vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants such as: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, lycopene, magnesium, potassium and many others. After reading this you’re definitely going to want to add even more watermelon into your diet! Especially in the summer when it is in season and at its peak of deliciousness!
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1. Watermelon is excellent for your cardiovascular system and heart because when you consume large amounts of it, it improves blood flow by relaxing blood pressure. The high vitamin C content assists with preventing the hardening of arteries and increasing the elasticity of the blood vessels and decreasing inflammation. All of this can prevent high blood pressure and heart disease.
2. The regular consumption of watermelon can reduce body fat because of its high concentration of citrulline. Citrulline is an amino acid that converts to arginine when it is absorbed by the body. When citrulline is consumed, it has the ability to block the activity of tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphate; this makes our fat cells create less fat, which in turn helps prevent the over accumulation of body fat.
3. Watermelons are a great all natural source of electrolytes. Because of this they make an amazing post workout treat! Hydrating and delicious. Try blending watermelon and mint for a delicious, nutritious, refreshing all natural “sports drink.”
4. This sweet pink fruit is great for your eyesight. It is an excellent source of vitamin A, which is one of the most essential vitamins for vision. It is also required for maintaining healthy skin, mucus membranes and can also protect against lung and oral cavity cancers.
5. It could be a natural equivalent to Viagra. That’s right. It may not be as organ specific as Viagra, but it relaxes the blood vessels in a very similar fashion. While there is not enough research to show that it can assist those with erectile dysfunction, there is some science to back this up. Going back to what was mentioned above about citrulline; Bhimu Patil, PHD who is the director of the Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Centre at Texas A&M University College Station, stated that “the amino acid citrulline is converted into the amino acid arginine, this is a precursor for nitric oxide and will help in blood vessel dilation.” Keep in mind this is only one study, but maybe something to ponder at your next summer picnic.
6. It can assist in the prevention of certain cancers. Because of its extremely high amount of the antioxidant lycopene, studies have shown that people who have diets that are high in tomatoes, and watermelons have a lower risk of contracting cancer in the stomach, lungs and especially the prostate. Lycopene can also assist with reducing the “bad” cholesterol.
7. Melons in general are great for cleansing the lymphatic system. Eating watermelons, or drinking juiced watermelons is a great way to cleanse and clear your lymphatic system. This is an important thing to do because your lymphatic system is like a sewage system for cellular waste and toxins within the body.
There you have it. 7 (out of many more) reasons to consider eating more watermelon this summer! If you can and if it’s available to you, try going organic, you’ll taste the difference. If this is difficult to get in your area, just make sure to thoroughly wash the green rind before slicing into it. That way you’ll keep the pesticides at bay. Enjoy!
All sources are embedded within the article.
Hi, I’m Alanna! I have been a contributor with Collective Evolution, where this article first appeared, for about 4 years now, but have been “awakening” and doing research for 7. Wow, has it been an incredible journey so far! I am passionate about learning new information! I aim to have a voice for animals and animal rights, I also enjoy writing about health, consciousness and I am very interested in psychedelics for healing purposes! Any questions? Feel free to email me: “If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” -Jack Kornfield