Make These 4 Superfoods Your Weight Loss “Miracle”

by Dr. K.J. McLaughlin

Everyone I talk to wants to lose weight it seems. From a professional perspective, more people I have seen want and need to lose the excess pounds they have gained throughout the years. This is an important health concern that so many need to consider.

While some people think they need to take the latest potion or pill, or follow the newest fad diet gimmick to lose and control their weight, the fact remains that food can be an important trigger in weight control. In fact, there are a few important foods (and at least one drink) that you can have every day as your own diet “miracle.” These four are just the beginning.

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1. Oatmeal 

Oatmeal, whether it is steel cut oats or quick oats, can help you control your weight through several different mechanisms. Oatmeal is considered a whole grain and contains a high concentration of soluble fiber. This fiber combines with the water in your digestive tract and keeps you feeling full, preventing you from continuously snacking. Oatmeal also helps to regulate your blood sugar, keeping it low and preventing excessive fat gain. The consumption of oatmeal may also speed up fat loss by encouraging stored body fat to be used as a fuel source. I recommend eating at least half a cup per day at breakfast.

2. Black-Eyed Peas

These tasty peas are a great addition to a salad or a rice dish. Personally, I like to use black-eyed peas as part of a Caribbean rice dish I make several times per week for myself. It is very nutritious and delicious, to be sure. These peas are considered legumes and contain generous amounts of fiber, protein, and nutrients. They keep blood sugar levels low and regulated, preventing you from craving sweets. The glycemic load for black-eyed peas is quite low, so you will not gain weight by eating them frequently. And the improved insulin sensitivity triggered by this weight loss superfood will allow you to burn stored body fat much more efficiently. Try eating at least three-quarters of a cup of black-eyed peas two to three times per week. 

3. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene. They are also lower on the glycemic scale and can regulate your blood sugar levels better than most other tubers. They taste great, and I enjoy eating them with added cinnamon and nutmeg. You can also make an amazing sweet potato pie that tastes like pumpkin pie, but without the added sugar or calories. I eat at least one sweet potato every day, and I have energy to burn, while staying quite lean.

4. Green Tea

Green tea is a super drink that contains many important compounds that can make you healthier, including catechins. These chemicals can decrease blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation and stabilize blood sugar. Green tea catechins can also improve your fat-burning capacity by dialing up the process of thermogenesis. This process involves the burning of body fat to increase body heat. I recommend drinking at least three to four cups of green tea every day to help control your weight.

Source for Today’s Article:

Related Natural Blaze Article:
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    This article Make These 4 Superfoods Your Weight Loss “Miracle” was originally published on DoctorsHealthPress, visit their site to access their vast database of articles and the latest information in natural health.

    Dr. K.J.McLaughlin is a chiropractor with 27 years of clinical experience. In addition, he has degrees in physical education, nutrition and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist with an interest in anti-aging medicine. He has also spent time studying health promotion and the effect that health education has upon health outcomes. Dr. McLaughlin has a diverse professional background which has involved clinical management, teaching, health promotion and health coaching and brings a unique passion to his work.

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