Tag: education

Schools Across US Find More Success With Yoga, Mindfulness Classes Than Detention, Punishment

By Elias Marat An increasing number of schools across the country are introducing mindfulness practice and yoga classes to address student anxiety, tardiness, and disruptions. The alternative approach to school discipline seeks to address student misbehavior by addressing one of its root causes —namely, allowing…

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Student Mental Health: 10 Minutes a Day in Nature Could Reduce Stress and Anxiety – Expert Explains

By Carly Wood, University of Westminster Across the globe, college- and university-aged students are experiencing high levels of stress and mental ill-health. For example, in the past ten years in the UK there has been a fivefold increase in the number of students reporting mental…

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What’s the best way to teach children a second language? New research produces surprising results

By Karen Roehr-Brackin, University of Essex and Angela Tellier, University of Essex People often assume that children learn new languages easily and without effort, regardless of the situation they find themselves in. But is it really true that children soak up language like sponges? Research…

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Virtual Reality Shows Promise for Pain Patients; This is Exactly Why It Should Not Be Used in Schools

By Patricia Burke Many groups are promoting the use of Virtual Reality as a treatment strategy for pain patients.  For example, VR is promoted as an alternative to opiates, “because it’s very powerful with no side effects.” [do_widget id=text-16] According to Uploadvr.com, More than 11…

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