Tag: coronavirus

EcoHealth Throws NIH Under The Bus Over Wuhan Gain-Of-Function Report; Researcher Claims “Massive Cover-Up”

By Tyler Durden The question over whether the NIH funded risky gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China was officially ‘answered’ last week, after the agency claimed that one of their partners – EcoHealth Alliance – failed to report that they had ‘accidentally’ created a chimeric coronavirus…

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Joe Biden’s Coronavirus Task Force Is a Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Gates Foundation Swamp

By Derrick Broze As the media-ordained President-Elect Joe Biden announces his Coronavirus Task Force it is becoming increasingly clear that a Biden/Harris administration will maintain many of the relationships established under the Trump administration.  On Monday, Joe Biden announced the creation of a COVID-19 Transition…

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Study Demonstrates UV-C Light Is Effective At Killing COVID-19 On Contaminated Facemasks

Dermatology researchers at Henry Ford Health System, in collaboration with a team at the University of Michigan, have demonstrated that certain N95 respirators tainted with COVID-19 can be effectively and safely decontaminated for reuse using [easyazon_link identifier=”B07756448D” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]ultraviolet-C light[/easyazon_link] (UV-C), a method commonly utilized…

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Stress From COVID-19 Affecting Health, Well-Being and Food Security For Families

The ongoing disruptive changes from efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 are having a substantial negative impact on the physical and mental well-being of parents and their children across the country, according to a new national survey published today in Pediatrics. Families are particularly…

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Seaweed Extract Substantially Outperforms Remdesivir in Blocking COVID-19 Virus, Study Finds

In a test of antiviral effectiveness against the virus that causes COVID-19, an extract from edible seaweeds substantially outperformed remdesivir, the current standard antiviral used to combat the disease. Heparin, a common blood thinner, and a heparin variant stripped of its anticoagulant properties, performed on…

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COVID-19: Meditation and Yoga As Adjunctive Treatment

The anti-inflammatory and other beneficial effects of meditation and yoga practices make them potential adjunctive treatments of COVID-19, according to the peer-reviewed journal JACM, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Deepak Chopra, University of California, San Diego and William Bushell of Massachusetts Institute of…

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Killing Coronavirus with Handheld Ultraviolet Light Device May Be Feasible

A personal, [easyazon_link identifier=”B07GTDH6QR” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]handheld device emitting high-intensity ultraviolet light[/easyazon_link] to disinfect areas by killing the novel coronavirus is now feasible, according to researchers at Penn State, the University of Minnesota and two Japanese universities. There are two commonly employed methods to sanitize and disinfect…

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