Tag: Catherine-Frompovich

What Are The Differences Between e-Cigarettes Vaping & Vaccines: Both CAN & DO Kill!

By Catherine J. Frompovich Before readers and astroturfers, in particular, decide to ‘attack’ this article, let me cite U.S. CDC/HRSA statistics! E-cigs are vaped into adolescent kids’ growing lungs, whereas vaccines are injected into babies’ tiny, day-old bodies, i.e., the Hepatitis B vaccine! How many…

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A Proposed Healthcare FREEDOM Rights Amendment To The U.S. Constitution: We Need It NOW; Work To Enact It

By Catherine J. Frompovich The current oppressive and progressively mandated healthcare issues, matters and disputes U.S. citizens are grappling and suffering with, i.e., denying, under penalty of law, the right to self-determination and individual sovereignty pertaining to personal health and one’s children’s healthcare choices, imposed…

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A Meme Illustrating Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Do Any Of These Symptoms Apply To You Or Your Family Members After An AMI Smart Meter Retrofit?

Op-Ed by Catherine J. Frompovich Very serendipitously the meme above showed up in my computer’s inbox the other day. Attribution needs to be given to emfsafe@sonic.net. What an impressive graphic illustration of EHS / IEI symptoms! However, these adverse health problems probably will become nothing…

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Is There A Missing Biological Factor That May Be Causing Abnormal Health Issues Including Atypical Social Behaviors?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Ever since I can remember, I have wondered why the CDC/FDA and Big Pharma insist every vaccine is the CORRECT dosage, i.e., one size fits all, when, for years on end, children’s pharmacology research and studies were lagging behind adult research….

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Where Is Published Scientific Literature Regarding Non-ionizing Radiation, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) & Microwave Radiation Hazards?

By Catherine J. Frompovich One would think Internet searches for specific literature regarding EMFs and RFRs emitted by microwaves and numerous high tech “smart” personal-use devices would not be easy to find, but Physicians for Safe Technology surprisingly found many and created a webpage consisting…

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Are You Ready To Have Elon Musk’s Artificial Intelligence Chip, Neuralink, Inserted Into Your Brain? Trials Start 2020 For The ‘Robotization’ Of Humankind

By Catherine J. Frompovich Our colleague, Alexandra Bruce, publisher at Forbidden Knowledge TV has done it again! Alexandra produced an informative narration, which explains in minor detail Musk’s unimaginable chutzpah to sacrifice the human brain to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Are you ready to be chipped…

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NOW Is The Time To Demand 5G Wireless Health & Environmental Impact Studies At YOUR State Capitol Or Regret Not Doing It Later On

By Catherine J. Frompovich Sample state legislation establishing a commission to evaluate the environmental and health effects of the deployment of 5G wireless technology. If the great State of New Hampshire did it, so can you, the readers, in your respective home states capitols.  What…

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The 99th Congress ‘Screwed’ Us By Giving Vaccine Makers Legal Exemptions From Product Liability Regarding Vaccines: That Has To Stop NOW

By Catherine J. Frompovich Ever since the 99th U.S. Congress caved to Big Pharma—under DURESS—in the 1980s with passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34), the U.S. CDC and FDA have been committing healthcare and medical…

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Has The Pentagon Secretly “Bioweaponized” Insects, Including Ticks? Congress To Investigate

By Catherine J. Frompovich According to Russia Today (RT), The US Congress has backed an amendment to the 2020 US Defense budget which could force an investigation into allegations that the pentagon had weaponized insects, including ticks, in a secret program. Source: https://www.rt.com/usa/464293-congress-investigate-pentagon-weaponize-ticks U.S. Congressman…

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Will 5G’s Dramatic, Problematic Health Issues Be Worth Humans Suffering Since No Health Nor Environmental Safety Assessments EVER Have Been Undertaken To Prove Non-thermal Radiofrequencies Cause No Harms To Any Living Organisms?

By Catherine J. Frompovich The “hurry up” 5G rollouts have been instituted in various cities around the United States within the last few months. These locales include, but may not be limited to, selected areas of: Atlanta, GA; Austin, TX; Charlotte, NC; Dallas, TX; Houston,…

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Consumers Comments Requested By ATSDR Regarding Glyphosate Toxicology Contamination In Food, Water & Air Due July 8, 2019

By Catherine J. Frompovich The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has gone out of its way, and even ‘fallen all over itself’ in trying to present a somewhat balanced 257-page report regarding the agricultural herbicide glyphosate for the purpose of soliciting consumer…

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