EMF/RF/5G: Anne Mills, All EMF*d Up, A Safe Place to Stay, Part 1 of 2

By Anne Mills with Patricia Burke Individuals adversely affected by exposures to microwave radiofrequencies powering wireless technologies face significant challenges, including marginalization by the dominant medical model and mass culture. This translates into lack of accommodation, including lack of safe housing. Anne Mills is the…

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UK: “Apocalyptic Bird Flu” Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Birds

By Ice Age Farmer Zoonotic transmission of an “apocalyptic bird flu,” H5N1, has been reported in the UK, boasting a 50+% fatality rate for humans. However, digging deeper reveals that the asymptomatic “patient zero” was tested “constantly” until returning the result (false positive?) that authorities…

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5G/EMF/RF/IOUT Electropollution: Existential Threat to Public Health, Companion Animals and Life on Earth? Part 3 of 3: Pet Owners Purchasing “High Tech” Products, ICNIRP

By Michael W. Fox DSc, PhD, BVetMed, MRCVS with Patricia Burke, Reprinted by permission About 23% of Americans polled by the Consumer Technology Association said they planned to purchase pet-related technology as a holiday gift, and the number of pet tech products shipped during the…

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5G/EMF/RF/ IOUT Electropollution: Existential Threat to Public Health, Companion Animals and Life on Earth? Part 2 of 3: Radio Collars

By Michael W. Fox DSc, PhD, BVetMed, MRCVS with Patricia Burke, Reprinted by permission (In Part 1 of Dr. Fox, the Animal Doctor, began an overview of planetary electropollution.) The use of the Internet via smartphones, laptops and tablets (users being warned to keep such…

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5G/EMF/RF/ IOUT Electropollution: Existential Threat to Public Health, Companion Animals and Life on Earth Part 1 of 3

By Michael W. Fox DSc, PhD, BVetMed, MRCVS with Patricia Burke, Reprinted by permission. Electropollution from the Earth-shrouding and penetrating cybersphere of telecommunications is a major emerging existential threat and One Health issue of this Anthropocene age. Extensive scientific documentation of this critical concern is…

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EMF/RF/5G Has Your Health Been Adversely Impacted By Exposure To Wireless Radiation? Tell The FDA! Docket “FDA-2021-P-1347”

On December 21, 2021, Americans for Responsible Technology filed a historic legal petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) setting out the reasons why the FDA should immediately issue an “Imminent Hazard” declaration regarding public exposure to wireless radiation emitted by cell phones, laptops,…

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WATCH: Dept of Health Tells Citizens Not to Workout, Eat Healthy, or Save Money — Vaccinate Kids Instead

By Matt Agorist Since the beginning of the pandemic, once the experts realized that comorbidities like obesity were a massive contributor to complications from COVID-19, lots of folks have began advocating for people to improve their health through diet and exercise. But not the government….

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