5G/EMF/RF Vandana Shiva, Tech Layoffs, Druid Sarah Furho; The Tower is Falling

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Images courtesy Floris Freshman Vandana Shiva “Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, physicist, food sovereignty advocate, and anti-globalization author. Based in Delhi, Shiva has written more than 20 books. Shiva founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and…

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The Solstice, the New Year, and the Promise of Learning From One Another and Nature in the Year of the Rabbit

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, (for entertainment purposes only.) Image courtesy Lori McCray How does a society learn from Nature? What becomes of a society that does not? Just as those living in polar regions of the Earth accumulated expertise regarding snow, ice, and…

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Technocracy’s Not So Great Week? Time to Confront the Wireless and Tech Delusional Runaway Train?

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International , Image courtesy Floris Freshman We could also call this article, “Let’s just be grateful that it was only the airlines that had bad code, and not military JEDI Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure and “full-spectrum dominance’s nuclear weapons.” My friend has a golden…

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