Category: Video

Experiments With Meditation Expose the Fallacy of Medicating Kids for ADHD

By Alex Pietrowski Experts cannot agree on a single, simple definition of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but do agree that it causes unfavorable behavior in educational, professional and correctional institutions. Even the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the bible of psychiatric diagnosis, defines it…

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Harvard Engineers Plan New “Real World” Geoengineering Experiment

By Derrick Broze At a recent geoengineering conference two Harvard engineers announced plans for a real-world climate engineering experiment beginning in 2018. The science of geoengineering has increasingly become a part of the public conversation around climate change and an ever-controversial topic within the scientific…

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New Law Means You Could be the Subject of a Vaccine or Medication Experiment Without Your Informed Consent

By Daisy Luther A new law quietly passed last December contains a waiver of informed consent that eliminates the requirement of pharmaceutical companies to let you know if a medication or vaccine given to you or your child is experimental. Wow. One last Christmas surprise…

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