Category: Video

Trump’s New Icebreaker Fleet and The Grand Solar Minimum 2020

By Ice Age Farmer Ireland’s Dryest Spring Ever. Chinese floods. Massive hailstorms, cold temperatures, and precipitative extremes affecting agriculture globally. Trump orders new Icebreaker fleet to match China & Russia’s nuclear icebreakers. Nations and Multinationals are preparing — are you? 2020 may be remembered as…

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Face Masks Can Harm Children – and Some Have Even Died – But California Governor Dictates Everyone to Wear Them in “High-Risk Situations”

By Brian Shilavy Image: Advocates for Citizens Rights carried out a simulation to portray what happened to two children in China who died during a PE class while wearing face masks. California Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health announced today that…

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Using A Smartphone Can Cause Structural Differences In Your Brain – New Study

By Arjun Walia The Facts: A new study recently published by German researchers from Heidelberg University show differences in brain structure between people with ‘smartphone addition’ compared to people without it. Reflect On: Is your child constantly on their smartphone? Are they addicted? Children entering into…

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The Other Covid Emergency – A 5x Increase in Toxic, Health Destroying E-Waste in Bahrain, What Happened in Other Countries, and What Will Happen with 5G?

By Patricia Burke In recognition of World Environment Day, the gulf nation of Bahrain held an event at the French embassy, noting: “The rate of electronic waste generation has exploded by as much as five times due to an increased use of electronic devices during…

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By the Numbers: FCC Ignored China Risk and Telecom Health Issues for 20 years, Covid 19 Increased E-waste 5x; 5G Coming to a Pole Near You, Can You Hear Me Now?

By Patricia Burke “And the stark simple fact is, the health hazards are unknown and unstudied, and that is a sign of neglect and disregard on the part of the FCC.” – Senator Richard Blumenthal. FCC and National Security Amidst much security concern about the…

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Greetings, Useless Eaters: A Message From Your Global Human Health Overlord

By Willy G.’s Dystopian Future Any likenesses are purely coincidental. [TCTL Editor’s Note: the following transcript was sourced YouTube’s transcript function, with some additional editing.] Hello, useless eaters. As your unqualified, non-elected, Global Human Health Overlord, I’d like to take this opportunity to flaunt my…

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