Category: Video

Lockdown Study Finds Undiagnosed Mental Health Crisis Among New Mothers

By Vicky Fallon, University of Liverpool; Sergio A. Silverio, King’s College London, and Siân Macleod Davies, Liverpool John Moores University New mothers experienced worryingly high rates of depression and anxiety during the first lockdown, our new research has revealed. One of the major contributing factors…

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Timepeace #1: Not a Race to 5G — A Race to Healing and Integrity

By Patricia Burke Part 1 of a Commentary on Paradigm Shifts in Telecommunications, Environmental Pollutants, Ecosystems, Human Health, Health Care Delivery, and the Human Capacity for Consciousness, Against the Backdrop of the Concurrent Challenges of Covid-19 and Microwave Poisoning *Words with multiple layers of meaning,…

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Biden Attacks Farms – Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply – Engineered Famine

By Ice Age Farmer The Biden admin’s executive actions in the last 48 hours are attacking farms and implementing the technocratic takeover of food, accelerating a global collapse in food production by paying farmers NOT to grow food, cutting their financial support, tasking Tom Vilsack’s…

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Dr. Phil, Ball’s in Your Court — TV Doctors, Patriarchy, Microwave Hearing, and Wireless Concerns

By Patricia Burke Let’s say that a television show wants to explore the covid epidemic. But for a “representative” patient, the show features an individual who was a cocaine addict, who smokes, and who may or may not have some long-standing undiagnosed mental health issues,…

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Research Establishes Antibiotic Potential for Cannabis Molecule

Synthetic cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has been shown for the first time to kill the bacteria responsible for gonorrhoea, meningitis and legionnaires disease. The research collaboration between The University of Queensland and Botanix Pharmaceuticals Limited could lead to the first new class of antibiotics…

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