Category: Natural Health News

Wikileaks Uncovers “Bill Clinton Inc”: Laundering Millions, From BPA Producing DOW Chemical & More

By Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) DOW Chemical is the largest chemical corporation in the US, second behind BASF in the world. They produce toxic Bisphenol A (BPA), several plastics, pesticides, and more. Wikileaks just uncovered a Clinton money laundering operation, called “Clinton Inc.” We’ve known…

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Nestlé Folds to Consumer Demand, Will Offer Organic Food to Avoid Profit Loss

By Christina Sarich Nestlé, the food corporation known for illegally contributing more than $1.75 million to the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association slush fund meant to prevent labeling of food containing genetically modified (GM, GMO) ingredients, has decided to go organic. The company announced this week that…

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Study Found Nanoparticles of Metal in Human Brains: Geoengineering, How to Detox

By Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) A recent study found nanoparticles of metal in human brains, raising the eyebrows of geoengineering researchers such as the prolific Patrick Roddie of Stop Spraying Us. While the study doesn’t connect geoengineering to the particles, it is well understood that…

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Chemtrails Can Be Biowarfare, or Geoengineering: History of Biological, Chemical Experiments on Citizens

By Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) This video makes the case that there are two different distinct agendas of “chemtrails” sprayed out of airplanes: there is weather modification or geoengineering, and then there are biological warfare experiments and toxic chemicals that seem to be disguised by…

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The Shrimp America Imports are Injected with Toxic Chemicals that Cause Cancer, Damage Organs

By Vandita Vietnam’s Mekong Delta is suffering from its worst drought in nearly a century; which, along with salt water contamination, is severely affecting seafood production in the country (more than 81,000 hectares of shrimp breeding ponds in eight provinces have been damaged). Vietnam currently…

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Hillary Had to Apologize for Guatemala Syphilis Experiments: Tuskegee and Eugenics, Thousands Given Diseases

By Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) In 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a disingenuous apology to Guatemala after the prolific discovery that over a thousand Guatemalan people were given diseases and experimented on, by the same U.S. researchers who performed the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis…

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