Category: Natural Health News

An EPIC Rulemaking Comment Period Regarding the CDC’s Power Grab Ends October 14, 2016 – What Is Your Position About Its Infringements Upon Your Health?

By Catherine J. Frompovich As I write this overview regarding the CDC’s proposed draconian rulemaking that will deny our health freedoms and also establish what probably will become a public health gestapo in the USA, plus mandatory health treatments including forced vaccinations, quarantines, and fines…

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Nestlé Given Green Light to Continue Bottling and Profiting from National Forest Water

By Christina Sarich A California federal judge just gave Nestlé the go ahead to continue stealing water from the San Bernardino National Forest. Nestlé has become infamous for trying to privatize (steal) water from over 50 springs throughout the United States, though residents in the…

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Part 3: What’s REALLY At Stake With the Proposed CDC Rulemaking That Has An Open Comment Period Until October 14, 2016?

By Catherine J Frompovich October 14, 2016 is the final date for filing your comments about the CDC’s new proposed rulemaking that will impact you and your loved one’s health in ways you cannot comprehend because they are so outlandishly unbelievable that a U.S. government…

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US Attorney General Finally Admits Weed Isn’t a Gateway Drug — Prescription Pills Are

By Alice Salles The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a U.S. federal research institute focused on “[advancing] science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction … to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health. ” Though it admits “the majority…

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Part 2: What’s At Stake With the Proposed CDC Rulemaking That Has An Open Comment Period Until October 14, 2016?

By Catherine J Frompovich This is Edition No.  2 of “What’s at stake with the proposed CDC Rulemaking” in which I want to prompt readers that the comment period for the totally outrageous ‘rules’ the CDC has published in the Federal Register for U.S. citizens…

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25-Year-Old Student Discovers Way to Kill Superbugs WITHOUT Antibiotics — Science Freaks Out

By Matt Agorist “There is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and, by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug (antibiotics), make them resistant,” Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered penicillin, cautioned at the acceptance of his Noble Prize…

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Burger King, Jack in the Box Among Fast Food Giants Slammed for Antibiotics in Food

By Carey Wedler Burger King, Jack in the Box, Dunkin’ Donuts, Arby’s, and a number of other fast food companies and restaurants are failing to reduce antibiotics in their animal livestock, according to a new joint analysis conducted by leading environmental and consumers groups. “Chain…

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Wake Up Call — Bumble Bee Just Proposed for U.S. Endangered Species Status

By Matt Agorist Earlier this month, mosquito eradication efforts in South Carolina, gone horribly wrong, resulted in almost total devastation to the indigenous bee populations. The pesticide used to target the Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti species of mosquito, which can carry and transmit the…

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