Category: Natural Health News

Virginia State Congress Passes Bill to Allow Specific Marijuana Oil Production in State

By Brandon Turbeville It appears that, after decades of oppressive and freedom-crushing drug legislation, even the state of Virginia is being forced to come to grips with the rising tide of public opinion that no longer views marijuana as the substance equivalent to al-Qaeda. Fresh…

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How Actor John Goodman Lost Hundreds of Pounds

By Heather Callaghan Did you see this recent picture of actor John Goodman on the right? He is no longer known as a jolly “fat guy” remembered for his hardworking, beer-guzzling Dan role on [easyazon_link identifier=”B0058J3S16″ locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]Roseanne[/easyazon_link]. Or even for his unhinged and exitable character,…

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100 Percent of Beer Tested Had At Least 5 Times the Amount Glyphosate Allowed by Law

By Matt Agorist Biochemical giant Monsanto has found itself under increased scrutiny after the World Health Organization recently announced that glyphosate is likely carcinogenic to humans. Also, in the US, California recently labelled Monsanto’s Roundup — as known to cause cancer. Under the Safe Drinking…

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Why Facebook is Monitoring Your Emotions Using New “Like” Emojis

By Kristan T. Harris Why is Facebook Interested in Your Emotions? Facebook has upgraded their “like” button to allow users to display their current feelings on posts, by selecting an emoji. The data will help Facebook develop a more detailed profile ranking on you. The company has already admitted to using the new…

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