Category: Homeopathic Remedies


Heal yourself naturally with holistic medicine and homeopathic remedies. Latest news and science for alternative treatments.

Vitamin D Helps Cancer Patients Live Longer

Michigan State University physicians have found that [easyazon_link identifier=”B00GB85JR4″ locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]vitamin D[/easyazon_link], if taken for at least three years, could help cancer patients live longer. The findings suggest that the vitamin carries significant benefits other than just contributing to healthy bones and were presented at…

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Cost of Prescription Drugs Increases 9.5% Annually, Coordinated by Industry

Scripps Research analyzed pharmacy insurance claims from over 35 million Americans, finding ‘continual, marked, annual increases’ of popular brand-name drugs, with price jumps often timed with competitors. After reviewing tens of millions of insurance claims for the country’s 49 most popular brand-name prescription drugs, a…

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Manuka Honey Better at Killing Respiratory Infections Than Antibiotics

Manuka honey alone outperforms antibiotics in treating respiratory infections. Combined with antibiotics, Manuka honey killed 90% of the bacteria tested Manuka honey could provide the key to a breakthrough treatment for cystic fibrosis patients following preliminary work by experts at Swansea University. Dr Rowena Jenkins…

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Remarkably Well-Preserved 1,000-year-old AYAHUASCA Kit Found in Cave Excavation

By Yasmin Anwar Today’s hipster creatives and entrepreneurs are hardly the first generation to partake of ayahuasca, according to archaeologists who have discovered traces of the powerfully hallucinogenic potion in a 1,000-year-old leather bundle buried in a cave in the Bolivian Andes. Led by University…

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How Exercise Could Reduce the Likelihood of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease

By Amanda Froelich Did you know? When you exercise, endorphins are released into your bloodstream. The “feel-good” hormones can elevate your mood, which is why many people regularly exercise. However, a new study found that exercising also produces another hormone, one that may improve memory…

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