Category: Diet


Diet blogs and tips for optimal health and longevity

Trump EPA Sides With Bayer/Monsanto, Claims Cancer-Causing Weedkiller ‘Safe’

By Alex Formuzis The Environmental Protection Agency said today the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s carcinogenic weedkiller Roundup is safe, ignoring a growing body of independent research showing a strong connection between glyphosate and cancer in humans. “Today’s decision by Administrator Wheeler, like virtually every one…

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Another Study Confirms Diet Drinks Could Increase Risk for Heart Attack and Stroke Warns American Heart and Stroke Associations

By B.N. Frank Last May, Waking Times published a great article by Dr. Smith about how artificial sweeteners make people fat and sick. The title of the article was appropriately: “Reconfirmed: Artificial Sweeteners Make You Fat and Sick.” New research was released that once again…

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