Category: Health And Wellness

Photographer Removes Phones From His Photos To Show – You Guessed It

 By Amanda Froelich To convey society’s addiction to technology, the photographer removed all smartphones and digital devices from his portraits of everyday life. Despite the obvious benefits advances in technology have contributed to our society, the social and physical implications are slowly revealing themselves. Eric…

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Here’s Why Dwelling On Your Past Makes You Repeat The Same Mistakes

By Josh Richardson Research on self-control often suggests recollecting past mistakes as a way to avoid making them again. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people with food addictions reflect on past lapses to keep from overeating. But Vanderbilt University…

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Psychiatrists drugging children for “social justice”

Bombshell: Mind-control engineers drugging children for “Social Justice” by Jon Rappoport (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) It’s the latest thing. Psychiatrists are giving children in poor neighborhoods Adderall, a dangerous stimulant, by making false diagnoses of ADHD, or no diagnoses…

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