Category: Food Freedom

Impossible Foods Investor Wants You Eating Cellular Meat and Aims to Eliminate Animals from Food Systems

Global technocrats want to completely end animal farming and the consumption of meat products. They are planning to shift everyone to plant-based and synthetic food sources all in the name of saving the planet. Well, the planet has done just fine for thousands of years…

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“Long Overdue”: EPA Bans All Food Uses of Neurotoxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

By Jessica Corbett Public health experts and labor rights advocates celebrated Wednesday after the Biden administration announced that it “will stop the use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on all food to better protect human health, particularly that of children and farmworkers,” following decades of demands…

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More Food Shortages? Phytophthora Fungus Infects Vegetable Gardens Across the Country

By Jayne Rising Shortages seem to be the theme of 2020 and 2021. Everything from meat to commodities and even semi-conductors made the list of possible or definite shortages. Now, the early onset of a fungus that attacks vegetables could leave us with no pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving and no Jack-o-Lantern’s…

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Judge Fines Amish Farmer $250K and Threatens Jail Time for Providing Club Members Food They Want

By Brian Shilavy Providing healthy and ethical food apart from the Big Food Wall Street Billionaires who control the world’s commodity food system is no easy task. I know this from experience. For years the California Department of Agriculture threatened my company, Healthy Traditions, for…

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“I haven’t seen anything like this”: U.S. Wheat Farmer Woes, Decimated Corn Crops, no Feed for Livestock — What Will We Eat?

By Cap Allon Wavy jet streams are throwing farmers something of a curve ball in 2021, as global temperatures continue to fall in line with the ever-intensifying Grand Solar Minimum (GSM)… Prepare. U.S. Wheat Farmer Woes Short stalks, thin rows and small bushels; Washington wheat…

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