Category: Environment

Health Crisis: The Ripple Effect from Environmental Toxins Within The Body

By Eldon Dahl Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that act as messengers between neurons. The effects of neurotransmitters are far-reaching and encompass most bodily processes, including: physical and cognitive performance, weight, the perception and response to pain, sleep patterns and our emotional and mental state of being….

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Thousands Of Buffalo Appear At Site Of Standing Rock Protest [Watch]

By Amanda Froelich [Recently], tensions between law enforcement workers and peaceful protestors with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe escalated. A series of standoffs resulted in “protectors” being maced, shot with rubber bullets, tasered, and even attacked with sound and concussion cannons. Ultimately, 117 people were…

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The Craziest Story from the Dakota Access Pipeline Was Completely Ignored by the Media

By Nick Bernabe Calhoun County, IA — Opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline has been making waves across the Internet recently as Native Americans, farmers, landowners, ranchers, and environmentalists make an epic stand against the project’s construction. Over the weekend, 127 Native American activists, or…

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Pennsylvania Pipelines Bursts, Leaks 55,000 Gallons Of Gas Into One Of US’ Most Endangered Rivers

By Whitney Webb A pipeline owned by the same company behind Dakota Access leaked 55,000 gallons of gasoline into a major river, endangering the drinking water of six million people. A pipeline managed by Sunoco logistics burst Thursday night after heavy rainfall in Pennsylvania. The…

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Is “Climate Change” Cover For Geoengineering? CIA Director Wants Spraying…

By Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) Is “climate change” a cover for geoengineering, a premeditated campaign to generate public support for such programs as “SAI,” or Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, as proposed by CIA director John Brennan? While human activity of all kinds may well affect the…

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Magnificent Jellyfish Gardens Purify The Water While Growing Food

By Amanda Froelich These Jellyfish Lodges are capable of purifying waterways, collecting discarded trash, and even growing nutritious food! Intriguing eco-friendly innovations are unveiled all the time, but the floating Jellyfish Lodge is probably unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. In addition to being aesthetically…

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