Category: Environment

90 Percent of So-Called Clean Hydroelectric Projects Will Usher In A New Wave of Mercury Contamination

By Marco Torres A new study has confirmed what many activists and environmental researchers have been stating for years. Hydroelectric power is not clean at all. In fact, Harvard University has found that over 90 percent of potential new hydroelectric projects will increase concentrations of…

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Bayer Forced to Stop Advertising That Neonics Give Plants “A Daily Vitamin”

By Heather Callaghan, Editor Despite the public ire growing against monolithic chemcial corporations like Bayer; the chemical and seed companies are merging to become an even bigger force of contention for consumers and the eco-system at large. Bayer and Monsanto recently “got married” and one…

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Health Crisis: The Ripple Effect from Environmental Toxins Within The Body

By Eldon Dahl Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that act as messengers between neurons. The effects of neurotransmitters are far-reaching and encompass most bodily processes, including: physical and cognitive performance, weight, the perception and response to pain, sleep patterns and our emotional and mental state of being….

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Thousands Of Buffalo Appear At Site Of Standing Rock Protest [Watch]

By Amanda Froelich [Recently], tensions between law enforcement workers and peaceful protestors with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe escalated. A series of standoffs resulted in “protectors” being maced, shot with rubber bullets, tasered, and even attacked with sound and concussion cannons. Ultimately, 117 people were…

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