Category: Environment

Oil Company Responds To US Army Corps’ Announcement, Will Continue To Proceed With Pipeline

By Amanda Froelich Energy Transfer Partners released a statement making it clear that the Obama administration’s decision will in no way halt the DAPL’s construction. Sunday afternoon, hundreds of thousands of “water protectors” celebrated around the world – and specifically at the Standing Rock protest…

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Veterans Storm Standing Rock to Act as ‘Human Shields’ for Water Protectors

Veterans are already arriving at camp. #NoDAPL — Ruth Hopkins (@RuthHHopkins) December 1, 2016 By Nika Knight “I signed up to serve my country and my people.” As tensions grow in North Dakota, with multiple eviction orders facing the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their…

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Not Just Bees, Trees Are Dying Off At An Alarming Rate With Little Public Attention

By Alex Pietrowski In the background of modern life, as people go on debating politics and working for a living, something dreadful is happening to the eco-systems which support us. Major disasters like the ongoing radioactive leak at Fukushima, the apocalyptic fires burning throughout Indonesia, even…

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More Police Violence at Standing Rock – Is This Real News or Fake News?

By Dylan Charles Now that the establishment corporate and liberal media have declared open war on so-called ‘fake news,’ already rolling out plans to flag, censor, robotically restrict and demonetize the efforts of independent journalists, the world waits with bated breath to see exactly what form…

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Demands Grow To Review DAPL Approval As Risk Of Spills Was Downplayed By Govt

(CommonDreams) An independent pipeline expert has concluded that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ environmental assessment (EA) of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is insufficient and fails to account for the impact on tribal members, prompting the Standing Rock Sioux to demand that the federal agency…

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90 Percent of So-Called Clean Hydroelectric Projects Will Usher In A New Wave of Mercury Contamination

By Marco Torres A new study has confirmed what many activists and environmental researchers have been stating for years. Hydroelectric power is not clean at all. In fact, Harvard University has found that over 90 percent of potential new hydroelectric projects will increase concentrations of…

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Bayer Forced to Stop Advertising That Neonics Give Plants “A Daily Vitamin”

By Heather Callaghan, Editor Despite the public ire growing against monolithic chemcial corporations like Bayer; the chemical and seed companies are merging to become an even bigger force of contention for consumers and the eco-system at large. Bayer and Monsanto recently “got married” and one…

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