Category: Environment

BLM to Remove Horses to “Protect Land,” Gives Protected Land Away to Miners in Gold-Rush Style Grab

By Natural Blaze Recently we reported on the urgent nature of the Federal Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) goal to slaughter 90,000 wild horses from public land in Nevada. And more recently, on their goal to quietly castrate and/or move 10,000 horses in order to “protect…

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Ohio Gov. Candidate Dennis Kucinich Releases Scathing Anti-Fracking Statement, Intent To Ban Fracking

SPECIAL REPORT By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze Ohio Gubernatorial candidate, Dennis Kucinich, released the first in a series of forthcoming detailed platform points surrounding his campaign on January 25. Fracking, a contentious issue for the people of Ohio (but not for their politicians) has contributed to poor…

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The Strongest Evidence that “Climate Change” is a Strategy to Justify Spraying the Skies

  By Markab Algedi, Natural Blaze A great conclusion reached by the most intensive and dedicated independent researchers on geoengineering (seeking an explanation for why our skies are sprayed nearly every day), is this: the mention of global warming or climate change as an imminent threat to…

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Weather Crimes Discussed By EMF Researcher-Activist Deborah Tavares: California Burning

By Catherine J. Frompovich Even though the mainstream media tosses tidbits out about what’s been going on in California regarding the 2017 fires and 2018 catastrophic mud slides, the average TV watcher, news magazine reader and computer-news ‘aficionado’ may not be aware of “behind-the-scenes” activity…

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Shocking Study Shows 170 MILLION Americans Drinking Radioactive Water and Gov’t is Hiding It

By Matt Agorist A damning report from the Environmental Working Group has just revealed that drinking water for more than 170 million Americans in all 50 states contains radioactive elements that are shown to cause cancer. Not only does the report expose the deadly levels of radiation…

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The Yaquis People Forcefully Halted a Pipeline’s Construction: “Standing Rock of Mexico”

By Markab Algedi, Natural Blaze In Loma de Bacum, a town in Northwest Mexico near the border of Arizona, an indigenous tribe called the Yaqui are challenging the California founded, multi-billion dollar corporation Sempra Energy and their border crossing pipeline in the region. The pipeline’s…

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Guild Wants Tests for Aluminum in Air, Water and Soil After Finding Anomalous High Levels

Citizen Scientists Find Anomalous High Levels, Pilot Project Resolution passed at Convention, in Oroville, CA At the recent Guild’s annual convention, representatives from 40 chapters deliberated on 25 resolutions in 7 categories: Agriculture, Communities, Energy, Government, Health, Education, and Natural Resources. “As a grassroots organization, the…

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