Author: Michael

Majority of U.S. Birds are Rapidly Dying Off, Report Warns, Though One Population is Thriving

By Study Finds A majority of bird species in the United States are rapidly declining, according to the 2022 U.S. State of the Birds report. Interestingly, however, decades of wetland and hunting conservation efforts have allowed one population — waterfowl — to grow throughout North…

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Kids Are Having Fatal Heart Attacks While Playing Video Games; “Families and healthcare teams should think about safety precautions”

By B.N. Frank Research has already determined that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) including from cell phones, smart watches and other wearables, virtual reality (VR) headsets, and other sources of wireless “Wi-Fi” radiation (including 5G) is biologically harmful.  In fact, manufacturers are required to provide…

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Acupuncture and EHS/Microwave Illnesses; Taking Another Look at Electrical Pollution

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Although consumers are mostly unaware, researchers and laypersons worldwide have been studying the phenomenon of symptom onset, illness, and disability associated with exposure to radar, microwaves, non-ionizing radiation, and other artificial, manmade frequencies, for decades. A wave of…

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Meditation Could Protect Older People Against Alzheimer’s, Study Says

By Study Finds Meditation may protect older people against Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia, according to new research. The ancient relaxation technique boosts brainpower among people over 65 years-old, scientists in France say. It can boost attention, awareness, and emotional health – faculties…

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National School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Hormones and Nutrients Revealed

Asheville, NC – Moms Across America announces a nationwide project measuring pesticides, heavy metals, veterinary drugs, hormones and nutrient test results of 43 school lunches gathered from public schools in 15 states in the United States. The initiative was conducted by Moms Across America –…

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