Author: Michael

Pesticide Companies’ Own Secret Tests Showed Their Products Harm Bees: Report

By Nadia Prupis Agrochemical giants Syngenta and Bayer discovered in their own tests that their pesticides caused severe harm to bees, according to unpublished documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the environmental group Greenpeace. The companies conducted the trials on…

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25-Year-Old Student Discovers Way to Kill Superbugs WITHOUT Antibiotics — Science Freaks Out

By Matt Agorist “There is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and, by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug (antibiotics), make them resistant,” Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered penicillin, cautioned at the acceptance of his Noble Prize…

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The Federal EEOC – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Sues Hospital Over Employees REFUSING Flu Shots: Alleges RELIGIOUS Discrimination

By Catherine J. Frompovich Finally someone has stepped up to the plate and hit a homerun regarding constitutional rights and the current vaccine police state we live in. But, the most interesting aspect about all this is: Who is the actor hitting the homerun? It’s…

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Prominent Latin American Scientists Say Bill Gates’ Golden Rice Is a Total Failure

By Christina Sarich Nobel Laureates who have been pushing the genetically modified organism agenda deep into scientific circles are being lambasted by a group called the Union of Latin American Scientists Committed to Society and Nature (UCCSN-AL). A whopping third of Nobel laureates recently slammed…

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Investors Call on 16 Global Food Producers to Divest From Factory Farming

By Derrick Broze Investors worth trillions of dollars have launched a campaign calling on the world’s 16 largest food companies to begin investing in plant-based protein to combat environmental and health risks associated with animal agriculture. The Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return (FAIRR) has…

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