Author: Michael

Aspartame Turns Into Formaldehyde and Methanol in the Body: Donald Rumsfeld Got it Legalized

By Cassius Kamarampi Did you know that Aspartame literally turns into formaldehyde and methanol inside your body? It breaks down into, according to one paper, “phenylalanine (50%), aspartic acid (40%) and methanol (10%) during metabolism in the body. The excess of phenylalanine blocks the transport…

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Aspartame Corporation Searle Created First Birth Control Pill: American Eugenics and Big Pharma, a History

By Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) Did you know that Aspartame-producing corporation Searle also manufactured the first birth control pill? After Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of State under Gerald Ford, he was the CEO of Searle, engineering their merger with Monsanto. A testament to his…

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Health Crisis: The Ripple Effect from Environmental Toxins Within The Body

By Eldon Dahl Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that act as messengers between neurons. The effects of neurotransmitters are far-reaching and encompass most bodily processes, including: physical and cognitive performance, weight, the perception and response to pain, sleep patterns and our emotional and mental state of being….

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Generation Zapped: Documentary Highlights Health Risks Associated With Wireless Technology

Sabine El Gemayel, director and producer of Generation Zapped, highlights her solution-oriented documentary film investigating the growing body of research on the alarming health risks associated with wireless technology, as well as what the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Telecom Industry don’t want you…

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Nestlé Folds to Consumer Demand, Will Offer Organic Food to Avoid Profit Loss

By Christina Sarich Nestlé, the food corporation known for illegally contributing more than $1.75 million to the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association slush fund meant to prevent labeling of food containing genetically modified (GM, GMO) ingredients, has decided to go organic. The company announced this week that…

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The Shrimp America Imports are Injected with Toxic Chemicals that Cause Cancer, Damage Organs

By Vandita Vietnam’s Mekong Delta is suffering from its worst drought in nearly a century; which, along with salt water contamination, is severely affecting seafood production in the country (more than 81,000 hectares of shrimp breeding ponds in eight provinces have been damaged). Vietnam currently…

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Combining Garlic and Lemon Significantly Reduces Blood Pressure and Total Cholesterol

By Mae Chan Combining garlic and lemon juice slashes total cholesterol levels in people with elevated blood lipids, as well as improves their blood pressure, says a new study. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are multifactorial disorders which are characterized by multiple metabolic dysfunctions. CVDs are the…

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10 Monumentally False Claims Made by Conventional Medicine about Health

By Paul A. Philips The grossly deceptive world we live in couldn’t be better exemplified than by conventional medicine. More and more people are expressing their distrust. They see right through conventional medicine’s crooked corporate greed-driven hidden ulterior motives. It starts with a deliberately narrow…

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This Wind-Powered Device Pulls 11 Gallons Of Drinkable Water From The Air Each Day

By Amanda Froelich Whereas many individuals in developed nations often worry over catching their favorite television show, a constant stress for approximately 2.3 million people on the planet has to do with obtaining clean, drinking water. Fortunately, a solution to the latter conundrum has been…

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An EPIC Rulemaking Comment Period Regarding the CDC’s Power Grab Ends October 14, 2016 – What Is Your Position About Its Infringements Upon Your Health?

By Catherine J. Frompovich As I write this overview regarding the CDC’s proposed draconian rulemaking that will deny our health freedoms and also establish what probably will become a public health gestapo in the USA, plus mandatory health treatments including forced vaccinations, quarantines, and fines…

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