Author: Michael

Tomato Extract Better Than Aspirin For Blood Thinning And Without The Side Effects

By Mae Chan Decreasing “platelet activation” lowers the risk of “thrombosis” — or the forming of dangerous blood clots that cause heart attacks and strokes. It’s the reason many doctors to this day still recommend aspirin despite treatment with the drug increasing cardiac failure, including…

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Can Vaccines Be Tied Into Social Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism: A Neuro-musculoskeletal Specialist MD Explains

By Catherine J. Frompovich Before I drop some rather shocking vaccine information on readers relative to Artificial Intelligence [AI] and Transhumanism, and how most of today’s technologies are structured toward programming the human brain/mind to become a part of AI, let me just say that…

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Not Just Bees, Trees Are Dying Off At An Alarming Rate With Little Public Attention

By Alex Pietrowski In the background of modern life, as people go on debating politics and working for a living, something dreadful is happening to the eco-systems which support us. Major disasters like the ongoing radioactive leak at Fukushima, the apocalyptic fires burning throughout Indonesia, even…

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