Author: Michael

Worldwide Studies Find Vitamin B “Significantly” Reduces Symptoms Of Mental Disorders

By Marco Torres We cannot escape the reality that in developed nations, people are often overfed and undernourished. A growing body of literature links dietary choices to brain health and the risk of psychiatric illness. B vitamins are required for proper functioning of the methylation…

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Former EPA Senior Scientist Confirms Fluoride Lowers Children’s IQ

By Alex Pietrowski Ostensibly, the purpose of adding the fluoride to public drinking water supplies is to improve dental health in the community, yet even the U.S. Government had to modify this claim by lowering the national fluoride levels in 2015, citing increases in dental fluorosis. In 2012,…

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Nature Comes To The Rescue Again – Peppertree Disarms Most Dangerous Bacteria

By Karen Foster Superbugs are without a doubt a major threat affecting all health care systems. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by a type of staph bacteria that’s become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections. Despite attempts…

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