Author: Michael

“The Scandal Would Be Enormous” — Pfizer Director Worried About Vax-Induced Menstrual Irregularities

By Tyler Durden Project Veritas on Thursday released a new segment of undercover footage of Pfizer director Jordon Walker in which the Director of R&D within the company’s mRNA operation expressed concern over how the COVID-19 vaccine may be affecting women’s reproductive health. “There is…

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Robobees Are Back — This Time in the Image of a “Fairy” That “Could Help Save The Planet”

By Amanda Warren Longtime readers might remember when we first covered the Robobee concept back in 2014. Robot insect research dates back much further in military circles where they’ve been designed for search and rescue, hazardous exploration, surveillance, climate mapping, and traffic monitoring – to…

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When A Tree Falls and No One Hears? What About Fires Due to Frenzied “Climate” and “Safety” Initiatives, and No One Listens?

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Images courtesy Floris Freshman According to Wikipedia, “ “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” is a philosophical thought experiment that raises questions regarding observation and perception….

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Amid Fears of Contamination, Japan Will Soon Dump Treated Water from Fukushima Nuclear Plant into the Pacific

By Mong Palatino and Nevin Thompson Pacific island nations, neighboring countries in Asia, scientists, and others criticized an international organization’s endorsement of plans to dump tens of thousands of tons of contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean. The plan…

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Children Exposed to Air Pollution Before Age 5 Show Significant Changes to Brain Structure

By Jocelyn Solis-Moreira Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and in early childhood can significantly alter a kid’s brain size and structure, finds a new study from Spain. Air pollution impacted brain connections in children the most in the first 8.5 years, although children before…

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