Crimes Against Humanity Tour USA: Online Presentations
By Neenah Payne
Crimes Against Humanity Tour USA: April 23- June 19 links to COVID Grand Jury: Court of Public Opinion which explains how the COVID “health” policies are part of a World War III against humanity. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich discusses the scope of the globalists’ plans and why they are destined to fail as more people wake up. This tour is part of the wake-up call.
Crimes Against Humanity Tour USA: April 23 — June 19
An examination of the global pandemic, the global reset, and humanity’s path to a Great Awakening
See PATRICK M. WOOD: COVID WAS TECHNOCRACY’S COUP D’ÉTAT. On June 12, Dr. Joseph Mercola interviewed Wood in his article “It’s Now Crucial to Understand What We’re Up Against”. The interview can be seen at:
Online Presentations By Three Speakers From Tour
On June 4, the first three participants withdrew from the tour and issued the following statement:
“To whom it may concern:
For the last several weeks, Patrick Wood, Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have been traveling and speaking at the Crimes Against Humanity Tour USA. Please be advised that because of irreconcilable conflicts of interest recently discovered, we have voluntarily withdrawn from the Tour as of June 1, 2022. The three of us remain committed to the message of crimes against humanity, and we will continue to work together to get our message out to the world.
While we regret the significant effort put into promoting the CAH Tour USA, it has served to cement new and more solid relationships and it has strengthened our resolve to move forward together. In the past several weeks, we have had many media interviews and video recordings that are now circulating on the Internet. This information is all good, accurate and suitable for continued sharing. Again, looking to the future, we anticipate appearing together on-stage as well as at media events and interviews.
Patrick Wood, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich”
Take Control of Your Family’s Health — Immune System Support Kit (Ad)
The three discuss the global situation in the video below. Dr. Fuellmich points out that Brazil is about to leave the World Health Organization — just as the US did under President Trump!
CC CA North Interview with Patrick Wood, Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (video)
The Growing Global Resistance
In his interview with Dr. Mercola, Patrick Wood says he believes that the globalists have stepped up the pace for their 2030 Agenda because the Resistance is growing so fast globally now. Dr. Fuellmich makes the same point in the second video.
COVID Truths Are Triumphing Worldwide Now links to a New York Times article which shows that it is no longer taboo to be “vaccine hesitant” or to question the safety and efficacy of any vaccine. It also shows that Australia’s Vaccination Risk Network (AVN) is trying to set a worldwide precedent in a lawsuit against their federal government, which seeks to hold Australian authorities accountable for vaccine injury and death; and demand the suspension of all covid-19 vaccine approvals. The article also points out that AFRICA INTERCEPTS W.H.O. TAKEOVER (video).
Fight Against New Disinformation Governance Board discusses the defeat of the Biden’s administration attack on the First Amendment. The plan for the Disinformation Governance Board was very quickly abandoned.
Growing Success of Defeat The Mandates! explains that after the Defeat The Mandates rally in Los Angeles on April 10, five of the ten tyrannical bills were pulled, shelved, or amended.
Florida Rejects COVID Shots For Kids 5-12 shows that Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida convened an impressive panel whose conclusion was that COVID shots are not warranted for kids 5-12.
Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post and Natural Blaze