Free Docuseries “Unbreakable: Destined To Thrive”
By Neenah Payne
The explosive “Unbreakable: Destined To Thrive” docuseries starts Tuesday, May 31.
When you download the free ebook “Bioterrorism: COVID Vaccines and Their Method of Destruction”, you will be registered for the 9 episodes of free docuseries “Unbreakable: Destined To Thrive”.
NOTE: each episode airs at 9 PM EDT (8 PM EST) for only 24 hours.
The site says:
“The inventor of mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, was removed from the internet for questioning the use of his own creation… This technology has been forced upon the public over the past two years, even though it’s very own creator has warned against its gene-editing capabilities, which can cause numerous side effects. The question is – Should we call this bioterrorism? If you want to fully understand what is in this vaccine and the true harm it can do to you or your loved ones, download this free eBook right now.”
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Nine Episodes
Episode 1: Unbreakable Truth — Hidden COVID Facts They’ve Tried To Bury
Episode 2: Unbreakable Healing — Reverse Vaxx Injuries at a Cellular Level
Episode 3: Unbreakable Survival — Understanding Modern Bioweapons
Episode 4: Unbreakable Health — Nutrition That Bulletproofs Your Health
Episode 5: Unbreakable Support — Building A Healing Community
Episode 6: Unbreakable Immunity — Proven Protocols To Strengthen Your Immunity
Episode 7: Unbreakable Freedom — Winning The Fight For Medical Freedom
Episode 8: Unbreakable Progress — Emerging Medical Practices That Work
Episode 9: Unbreakable Faith — Spiritual Journeys That Foster Healing
In this riveting video, Dr. Henry Ealy says:
“1. Help the people who are hurt, 2. Put the people who did this in jail, 3. Make sure this never happens again.”
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Episode 1: Unbreakable Truth — Hidden COVID Facts They’ve Tried To Bury
- Breaking news from a recent Senate hearing that left numerous freedom fighters “emotionally spent” (you can’t miss these powerful interviews directly from the Senate hearing)
- New Data: Shocking vaccine injury reports (many reports discuss those that are permanently disabled or worse)
- The startling reasons that our experts believe Big Pharma continues to suppress life-saving information from the public while they continue to push their vaccine agenda (no matter how many deaths pile up)
- How to protect your body with alternative treatment methods THEY would never want you to know about
- The best way to stay informed when you’re facing never-ending censorship
- Shocking speeches given at a recent Senate hearing that you will enjoy hearing (these experts showed the global government the TRUTH)
- Numerous studies prove that Omicron is not as scary as the mainstream media fear-mongers would have you believe (see them for yourself in this episode)
- Plus all of the other suppressed and censored information you’ll never hear from the mainstream media
Episode 2: Unbreakable Healing – Reverse Vaxx Injuries at a Cellular Level
- The reason my team and I are calling this a “vaccine genocide” and what Big Pharma is NOT telling you
- With over 24,000 deaths, where does this all end? Watch this episode to find the censored data behind this madness
- How this “hidden agenda” continues pushing forward and how YOU can help us put an end to this madness
- The dangerous data that reveals the “death machine” they’ve kept us inside of for two years now (plus how to protect yourself in the future of this battle)
- Why the FDA still pushed the experimental vaxx forward when they KNEW the side effects (shocking internal report)
- How to keep you and your loved ones protected from the vaccine and the virus (see what top medical experts I spoke with recommend)
- The “weird” cancers that are popping up, post-jab
- How to naturally boost your immunity and remain safe during this ongoing plandemic
- The true reason Big Pharma, the global government, and the mainstream media refuse to tell you the real number of deaths (this would cost them tens of billions of dollars)
Episode 3: Unbreakable Survival — Understanding Modern Bioweapons
- The startling reason one doctor believes we could have prevented the majority of COVID deaths (you have to hear this to believe it)
- How the experts in this episode overcame and adapted to heal their patients from COVID and the jab (and how you can too)
- The exact alternative medicines that can potentially save your life if you have to battle COVID
- What to do if you or a loved one are infected and which natural protocols are recommended
(I cover this in detail with numerous expert guests) - The truth about what’s working and why Big Pharma will NEVER tell you about these methods
(it would cost them billions of dollars) - Breaking news about what’s really working to cure COVID and why the global government isn’t helping spread this data
- Simple, effective treatment options you can buy at your local pharmacy (no doctors required)
- See the top options to prevent future illness and injury from COVID (all is revealed in this powerful episode)
Episode 4: Unbreakable Health — Nutrition That Bulletproofs Your Health
- The reason we believe these alternative treatment methods are “Big Pharma’s biggest nightmare”
- The top methods the experts we spoke with have used to help their patients recover from the terrible side effects of the jab
- How to remain safe and health with new variants inevitably heading our way in the future
- Dr. Sherwood’s “7 Pillars of Health” and how they can help you remain safe during the ongoing plandemic
- The best strategies to battle and vaxx injuries, including the possibility of death if not taken care of quickly (our experts share exact protocols they’ve tested on thousands of patients)
- The exact over-the-counter treatment protocols doctors are using all over the world to heal their patients (Big Pharma has done their best to censor this but we are giving it away to you for free)
- Why we have to be the ones who give you life-saving alternative treatments and why we believe Big Pharma will never help you
- What’s the best alternative treatment option for you and your loved ones (each person has unique needs, you need to watch this episode to fully understand your options)
Episode 5: Unbreakable Support — Building A Healing Community
- The top protocols for healing your gut and keeping your immune system ready for battle (You’ll be amazed how easy and effective they are)
- Why victims are losing 40% of their immune cells every 4 weeks after receiving the jab
- The “best weapon” you have to battle COVID (Dr. Ardis reveals all)
- How to bolster your immune system for anything, especially new variants and whatever else they throw our way
- The real data that’s been proven to help protect your body if infected by COVID
- Why our expert guests believe this is more of a “bioweapon” than a vaccine
- Which natural medicines are key to bolstering your immunity (They’ll heal your leaky gut!)
- Do we really have immunity against variants? (See Dr. Ardis’ answer in this powerful episode)
- Why the U.S. spends more than any other country on healthcare and how you can protect yourself from falling into this demographic
Episode 6: Unbreakable Immunity — Proven Protocols To Strengthen Your Immunity
- “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum – and Father of the “Great Reset”
- How to look at data, analyze it, and make your own decisions (our experts show you how they have formed their own opinions)
- The truth about this “bioweapon” and why it was released on our society with devastating repercussions
- Why Bill Gates is saying this might be a “dress rehearsal” for the next big pandemic (another part of their master agenda?)
- Doctors and medical experts are finally banding together to expose the real agenda, we share ALL of the data with you inside this special episode
- The disgusting monetary wealth gained by shareholders and execs including $10.31 billion in wealth gained by just eight shareholders of Pfizer and Moderna
- How the vaccine is more of a population control mechanism than anything that actually “saves lives” as they’d have you believe
- How Big Pharma and the global government continue to get away with their vaccine agenda while their hands are covered in blood (over 24,000 dead and 1 million+ verified vaxx injuries)
Episode 7: Unbreakable Freedom — Winning The Fight For Medical Freedom
- The truth behind what happens to women and children when they receive this experimental vaccine
- Why they won’t tell us about the data they’ve collected regarding pregnant women and the jab (they’ve got the data, they just won’t reveal it)
- Do they really know the risks for women and children? Sadly, it seems they do
- Should you or your loved ones receive the vaccine while pregnant? (Watch this episode before you make ANY decisions)
- The simple decisions you can make after watching this episode that could protect your children from future vaccine-related problems
- How to handle any future mandates regarding child vaccinations (this is scary, yet very, very real)
- The most effective way to remain vigilant in your stand against the jab (we give you help with data and information to stand strong in your convictions)
- How the jab could affect women’s fertility – and be passed onto future generations through changes in the mother’s body
Episode 8: Unbreakable Progress — Emerging Medical Practices That Work
- The startling reasons that our experts believe the global government’s tyranny knows now ends and will continue to suppress life-saving information from the public (and how you can do your part to stop their agenda)
- Our recommended methods for protecting your freedom and standing up for your personal rights (this is the information you need to know)
- How the global government has continued their suppression of lifesaving data (this is shocking, yet true)
- The best methods for standing up for yourself and maintaining your freedom in the face of inevitable tyranny
- Why so many C0VID treatments have been censored from the public
- The shocking story about how one doctor came up with a treatment protocol that worked on 99% of his patients, yet was still censored
- How far will the tyrannical global government continue to push this? We reveal all we know, including future predictions
- The overwhelming stories one doctor shared with us and how it could impact your own life as well
- Why Dr. Peter McCullough believes “there was an intentional, very comprehensive, suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization, and death.”
Episode 9: Unbreakable Faith — Spiritual Journeys That Foster Healing
- How to overcome ANY future mandates (we share the legal rights most people don’t know they have)
- The ongoing censorship of treatments that work and how to make sure you are not the victim of their tyranny
- Why the experts in this episode believe this vaccine is way more harmful than the actual virus (and how you can continue to protect yourself)
- Breaking news regarding mandates and the never-ending “booster battles”
- How we proceed forward now that we know the TRUTH
- The best ways you can protect your freedom and stand up for your personal rights (this is the information you need to know to remain safe and free)
- More mandates on their way? See what our experts believe will happen in the very near future
- What do the next 10, 20, or 50 years hold for us after we’ve faced extreme tyranny?
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Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post and Natural Blaze