EMF/RF/5G December 21 Solstice Event: “More Whales, Less Sonar — Cultivating an Ocean of Consciousness to Protect Marine Life”
An online streaming event and meditation, inspired by whales, on the Solstice December 21st at 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern, featuring Dr. Marsha Green from Ocean Mammal Institute.
Sign up for the Zoom event here or https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpcuGgqz8uEtaJxlUusogsfkGXNpoVro6.
You can also email us at whales@oceanmammalinst.org.
Say YES To Protecting Whales And Marine Life From The New “Smart” Ocean
This solstice event is an awareness-raising program introducing the topic of safety for whales and marine life who will be impacted by the military and commercial expansion of technology into the ocean via the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT).
You may not know about new ocean sonar that is flying under the radar: if approved, it will soon be bombarding millions of whales and dolphins around the world with artificial man-made frequencies. You may have heard about the Internet of Things, but not the “Smart Ocean” Internet of Underwater Things.
New “Smart” Ocean Not So Smart…When It Comes To Whales And Marine Life
Here’s the problem: A “Smart” Ocean, aka the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT), will reportedly rely largely on sonar for underwater wireless communications.
Science has already established that sonar can interfere with marine mammals that rely on sound to meet to meet theirbasic needs. In the words of Pierce Brosnan, “The ocean is a world of sound. Whales, dolphins and marine mammals use sound to locate each other over great distances. Human technology is drastically changing this environment, damaging the delicate web of life, threatening the ability of whales and other marine animals’ ability to function, and ultimately survive.”
Pierce Brosnan Asks for Your Help in the Fight To Protect Whales
Research has shown that high intensity sonar can cause whales to hemorrhage, strand, and die. Beaked whales have been known to panic and rush too quickly to the water’s surface in response to sonar, causing them to get the bends, and perish.
Climate change. We need MORE whales in the ocean to address climate concerns.
Here’s why. Beyond the suffering and harm to these majestic creatures, their loss to our ecosystem will profoundly affect efforts to combat climate change.
Koohan Paik-Mander on “U.S. Militarism, Space Tech, and the Climate Crisis” at COP26 People’s Summit
The oceans sequester two billion metric tons of carbon per year, and much of the sequestration is due to the presence of whales and other life forms, including phytoplankton, which depend on whales.
How Whales Change Climate
The solstice event will feature:
- Dr. Marsha Green discussing how we can work together to protect marine life from harm due to the introduction of the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT). Marsha Green, Ph.D. is the Ocean Mammal Institute President and founder. She is a licensed psychologist and Professor at Albright College in Reading Pennsylvania. Dr. Green has been conducting research on the impact of human behavior on humpback whales and spinner dolphins in Hawaii. She has gained international recognition for her groundbreaking studies linking human compassion with scientific field research to benefit whales, dolphins and their environment.
- Kate Kheel with an overview of Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) Concerns, now extending to the Oceans. An overview of technology that harms life, versus technology that recognizes the Rights of Nature, and a global meditation to shift consciousness. Kate Kheel is a musician and long-time advocate for safer internet and telecommunications technology. She is a founding and active member of Stop 5G International, and an integral part of the team of SafeG.
- Alarik Arenander, brain researcher, documenting how creating brain coherence in individuals, (as evidenced by more coherent brain functioning accessed through meditation), has been shown to improve one’s moral reasoning, and creates a positive impact on the trends of society.
See video here.
- An experience of “collective consciousness” including a guided brain integration experience/technology with breath-work and meditation. Participants will be offered an opportunity to observe the solstice though meditation and a music selection by Steven Snow inspired by whales, and including whale song — All helping us reclaim our inner balance in the face of the challenging outer demands of our times.
We invite you to join this group gathering, an opportunity to experience together inner technology (e.g. meditation) to both individually and collectively address the outer technology overload we are facing in today’s world…now extending to the oceans.
Please consider sharing this announcement on social media and with your contacts.
In gratitude, The Ocean Mammal Institute Team and Colleagues
Ocean Mammal Institute – protecting our oceans
Our Healing Relationship With Nature – Marsha L. Green, PhD, Ocean Mammal Institute
Smart Ocean: Impacts of technology on marine life – Stop 5G International