Tag: smart technology

EMF/RF/5G vs. The Penetrating Flow, to Restore One Perfect Planet’s Grace 

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International In 2017, Blazepress compiled “20 Ridiculous Products That Should Never Have Been Made.”  The list includes diet water, condiments for dogs, alcohol free vodka, the I-potty (toilet training seat with mini touch pad), and a hairbrush with an i-phone holder. Bored…

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5G/EMF/RF Protecting Patients and Practitioners vs. ElectroSmog: Acupuncture Caught in the Crossfire?

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International There is a nutritionist in a Northeast suburb of Boston who has a thriving home-based practice treating many individuals who have had little success with mainstream medicine. Her patient population includes autistic children, individuals with allergies and auto-immune conditions, and those…

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5G/EMF/RF/IOUT Electropollution: Existential Threat to Public Health, Companion Animals and Life on Earth? Part 3 of 3: Pet Owners Purchasing “High Tech” Products, ICNIRP

By Michael W. Fox DSc, PhD, BVetMed, MRCVS with Patricia Burke, Reprinted by permission About 23% of Americans polled by the Consumer Technology Association said they planned to purchase pet-related technology as a holiday gift, and the number of pet tech products shipped during the…

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EMF/RF/5G Has Your Health Been Adversely Impacted By Exposure To Wireless Radiation? Tell The FDA! Docket “FDA-2021-P-1347”

On December 21, 2021, Americans for Responsible Technology filed a historic legal petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) setting out the reasons why the FDA should immediately issue an “Imminent Hazard” declaration regarding public exposure to wireless radiation emitted by cell phones, laptops,…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT 2022, Narwhals and the Necessary Course Correction: RF, Sonar, Noise, Oceans, and Techno-Ecocide

By Patricia Burke On December 17, Phys.org published a paper, “After thousands of years, an iconic whale confronts a new enemy,” from the University of Copenhagen. Teetering at the Tipping Point We can shift the balance of humanity’s environmental impacts from damaging to harmonizing, by…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT: Tracking Endangered Species with RF; Mistaking Data Collection for “Conservation” and Exploiting Students?

By Patricia Burke An “animal tracking bracelet” is being promoted for holiday gift giving. One group offers the option of a bracelet, in partnership with Sea Turtle Conservancy, Save the Elephants, Track a Shark, or Track a Polar Bear. SOURCE A non-profit says: “Every Sea…

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Solstice 2021: Say Yes to Protecting Oceans; Reclaiming Our Healing Relationship with Nature

December 21 Solstice Event: An Ocean of Consciousness. Information and Registration here. “Our Healing Relationship with Nature” by Dr. Marsha Green  Reprinted with permission, Ocean Mammal Institute “Certainly the rapid degradation of our environment is forcing us to look within ourselves to find the root…

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EMF/RF/5G December 21 Solstice Event: “More Whales, Less Sonar — Cultivating an Ocean of Consciousness to Protect Marine Life”

An online streaming event and meditation, inspired by whales, on the Solstice December 21st at 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern, featuring Dr. Marsha Green from Ocean Mammal Institute. Sign up for the Zoom event here or https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpcuGgqz8uEtaJxlUusogsfkGXNpoVro6. You can also email us at whales@oceanmammalinst.org….

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Swansea University Developing Microneedle Smart Patch COVID Vaccine That Can Track Patient Reactions

(Zenopa) – Researchers at Swansea University are designing a first-of-its-kind, smart vaccine system that will deliver the COVID-19 vaccine and assess its effectiveness by tracking the patient’s associated reaction. The research, which is being carried out by the Institute for Innovative Materials, Processing and Numerical…

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Building the Beast System: FDA Wants GPS on Crops – Spinach Sends Email – Cow Registration Mandates

By Ice Age Farmer The FDA is considering requiring GPS coordinates of every crop harvested, and data on when it was planted/harvested/chilled/packed/shipped. Not only would this put small farms OUT of business, it effectively requires robotic automation. British Columbia has mandated livestock registration for your…

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