Project Contamination and Indemnity
By Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath
In August of 2021, Japan suspended the COVID vaccine after another million doses were found to be “contaminated” with “black substances, foreign substances, and pink material.” By September, Moderna recalled their vaccines after stainless steel was found inside vials.
At that time, Japanese officials had administered 118,310,106 doses of the COVID vaccine. If they suspended more than two million doses due to contamination, just how many contaminated doses had been administered? How many people received a contaminated jab?
Nobody knows. That’s above their pay grade.
What about monitoring recipients who might have been contaminated?
What is the definition of a contaminant? Why the mystery?
According to some, popular contaminants already exist in vaccines, including mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, nano-contamination of metals and polysorbate 80, to name a few. However, the CDC and FDA do not consider these CDC-known toxins / carcinogens as “contaminants.” For instance, aluminum is not a neurotoxin. In a vaccine, aluminum is an adjuvant to stimulate the immune response.
So who is responsible for the contamination of COVID products that are injected?
Indemnity Scheme
In our “advanced world,” no one is responsible. Furthermore, there is never enough evidence that will ever prove a cause for adverse effects when it comes to vaccines, including COVID vaccines. Just calling an injection a “VACCINE” automatically makes it immune from any liability.
Since 1986, The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (H.R. 5546) makes vaccines and their makers, including the doctors who inject them, exempt from all liability for damages from their products.
Under the PREP Act, companies such as Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if something unintentionally (or intentionally) goes wrong with their COVID vaccines. That means that you cannot sue them if you have severe COVID vaccine side-or-direct effects, and the government likely won’t compensate you for damages. What other industry or company has that kind of protection?
No other.
What is the difference between the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act and The PREP Act? The script? The actors?
The 1986 Act works as a remedial measure, under which vaccine-manufacturers are not to be held responsible for compensating any vaccine-related injury claims. Instead, the Act is supposed to provide compensation to eligible individuals for damaging effects of their vaccines. The program covers 16 routine vaccines for children entering public schools. However, as claims have mounted, few are ever paid out in the private vaccine court. There is no provision for damages based on pain and suffering. However, the vaccine court is profitable for vaccine lawyers who get paid no matter who wins or loses.
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The PREP Act is an expansion of the 1986 Act, as it shields companies manufacturing the experimental COVID vaccines not approved by the FDA, called Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) vaccines. The justification this time? The Act is meant to jumpstart U.S. defenses against an outbreak like COVID-19 by shielding from lawsuits makers of critical products, from diagnostic tests to vaccines, as well as doctors and drug distributors.
Both Acts require claimants to prove their injuries are “the direct result” of a vaccine. So far, most COVID vaccine cases have been denied compensation for the simple reason that, according to the lawyers, there is virtually no definitive research on injury causation to reference.
Meanwhile, the medical literature all but points to vaccines as the cause of autoimmune disease in a syndrome known as A.S.I.A. or Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants, as in vaccine adjuvants. [See study 1(autoimmune), study 2 (Shoenfeld’s), study 3 (thyroid), study 4 (neurological), and hundreds more].
A scheme is a scheme is a scheme.
Swine Flu
As a result of human complacency to schemes, any vaccine adverse side-or-direct effects may not become apparent until millions of people have received the vaccine. Recall the fiasco of the Swine Flu epidemic that threatened to become a pandemic? Remember the inaccuracy of case definitions and “mistakes” that blew the whole thing out of proportion? Is it happening again?
According to Science, The Wire, India has the world’s largest childhood immunisation scheme, larger than all the European and Middle Eastern countries combined.Â
The Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, says the new “COVID-19 vaccine indemnity scheme will provide confidence to medical practitioners to administer both AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines to Australians,” as long as there is informed consent.
Why is there is no informed consent prior to injection, only after?
When the leaders of “the free world” call a mass injection campaign a scheme, the people need to pay attention.
In May 2021, the New York Times reported that Emergent BioSolutions, whose Baltimore plant ruined millions of coronavirus vaccine doses, disclosed for the first time on Wednesday that more than 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine are now on hold as regulators check them for possible contamination. In June, the FDA instructed Johnson & Johnson to throw out 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine produced at a Baltimore plant out of concern that they may have been contaminated, and because they were not suitable for use.Â
Contamination or Additive?
Accident or Project?
Truth or Lie?
In any good mystery there are always more questions than answers. And there are always criminals who plan not to get caught. Expect that criminals of this scheme have covered their trails (indemnity) and made others vulnerable (contamination) so they get away when their scheme begins to unravel.
Next The Children
As of September 2021, with reports of widespread contamination, and ongoing investigations, the FDA has told journals such as Scientific American to promote the expansion of injections to children ages 5 to 11.
By appointment only, Pfizer Friday Nights For Kids began at area Fire Stations across the U.S. during Halloween weekend, a time for rituals and blood sacrifices. What better way for kids to spend a Friday night than getting their first COVID jab?
Parents, are you paying attention?
Related articles:
- Recycling The Spanish Flu Pandemic
- Homeopathy Healed the Spanish Flu
- Dissolving a Pandemic of Fear
- The Opioid Crisis: Epidemic by Design
- How the CDC and Vaccine Court Create an Epidemic of Autism
Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, Herbalist, writer, and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at Listen to her archived podcasts at Subscribe to receive blog posts via email using the form at the bottom of this page.