5G/EMF/RF EMF Weekly News – Nov. 4, 2021

Compiled by André Fauteux, Editor/Magazine La Maison du 21e siècle, (maisonsaine.ca/english) with additional reporting by Patricia Burke of Stop 5G International.

Air Blank Of Shield Your Body: Time for Low Tech Holidays (article)

Technology & Stress: How Does Prolonged Tech Use Lead to Chronic Stress and Depression?

Researchers have found that the role of modern technology is much greater in the growth of chronic stress than we thought; The various types of stress linked to tech use; The role of EMF in our stress loads]; Some of the changes you can make to begin to de-stress with less tech.

Technology overuse is linked to problems like chronic stress, depression, anxiety, and loneliness. And there’s no getting around that fact. But how it affects you personally depends entirely on the choices you make. This is why it’s important to build a healthier relationship with technology.

Join our brand-new show called “The Healthier Tech Podcast,” where experts from different disciplines share actionable tips on optimizing your relationship with technology. It’s available now on all major platforms.  – Ari Blank

Science for Profit (Paper)

Plos One Journal, Legg T, Hatchard J, Gilmore AB (2021) The Science for Profit Model—How and why corporations influence science and the use of science in policy and practice. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253272.  Open access paper: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0253272

Concluding excerpt from paper: A model for how corporate monies can be used to fund independent science has been elaborated for tobacco–essentially by mandating payments from industry which are then independently administered [83]. Such systems have been implemented in Italy, California, and Thailand, where levies on the pharmaceutical, tobacco, and alcohol industries have been used to fund independent research on their products [75, 84, 85]. Such an approach would help address all the other strategies identified and therefore likely represents the most effective and sustainable solution

Joel Moskowitz’s take-away based on this paper:

”Since there are more than 400 million cellular subscriptions in the U.S., the Federal government could create a $100 million annual fund for independent research and education on wireless radiation health risks by adopting a 2 cents per month fee on each cellular subscription. The research could develop the science needed to create safer wireless radiation exposure standards.”

EMR Australia Oct. 2021 Newsletter


Wireless radiation and the brain Electromagnetic radiation affects the brain, and this can translate to effects on emotions, behaviour and disease, say the authors of a recent scientific review.

E-Course: Herbal Energetics (Ad)

Cuicui Hu and team reviewed research on the effects of exposure on the brain and nervous system and found that it can cause structural and functional changes in the brain and, hence, the nervous system.

Devra Davis Phd/Environmental Health Trust Video

The Health Impacts of Wireless Radiation to Children: Cyprus Pediatric Symposium

Arthur Firstenberg/Cell Phone Task Force Newsletter


Cell Phones Are Not Here to Stay, There is No Dose Response for Microwave Radiation


Nature Communications, Not Silent Yet; The Shifting Sounds Of Spring

An international team of researchers led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) developed a new technique, combining world-leading citizen science bird monitoring data with recordings of individual species in the wild, to reconstruct the soundscapes of more than 200,000 sites over the last 25 years.

Lead author Dr Simon Butler, from UEA’s School of Biological Sciences, explained: “The benefits of nature contact are widespread, from improved physical health and psychological well-being to increased likelihood of participating in pro-environmental behaviour.”

Commenting on the study, published today in the journal Nature Communications, Dr Butler said:

“We found a widespread decline in the acoustic diversity and intensity of natural soundscapes, driven by changes in the composition of bird communities.

“These results suggest that the soundtrack of spring is getting quieter and less varied and that one of the fundamental pathways through which humans engage with nature is in chronic decline, with potentially widespread implications for human health and wellbeing.”                      https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-26488-1

EMF CONFERENCE 2021 Speaker Spotlight Paul Héroux PhD

Professor of Toxicology & Health Effects of Electromagnetism McGill University (Canada)

The extensive use of wireless phones has been associated with cancers of the nervous system by epidemiologists, animal studies, as well as laboratory experiments. Cellular towers are associated with cancer lethality, and numerous other neurological symptoms. Further risks involve reproduction, and many chronic diseases, including diabetes. Experiments in my own laboratory on human cancer cells support effects of EMR on cancer, and on chronic diseases (through necrosis, apoptosis and reactive oxygen species). Further risks relate to mitochondrial heteroplasmy, possibly leading to evolutionary erosion of oxidative phosphorylation physiology.

Fortunately, there is a spectacular alternative to wireless to serve our data transmission needs, optical fiber, which is incomparably faster, energy-efficient, hack-proof, hygienic and environmentally acceptable. This solution would restrict wireless to applications where mobility is essential. Hence prosperity is better served by “a fiber in every home”, because future data needs, not only of industry but for individuals, will soon outpace all that wireless has to offer.

Dr. Paul Héroux is a scientist with experience in physics (BSc, MSc and PhD), electrical engineering (15 years), and the health sciences (30 years), teaching Toxicology, Hearing Conservation and Health Effects of Electromagnetism at the School of Population and Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University. Learn more here.

The EMF Medical Conference 2021 was evidence based, featuring leading EMF experts in science, medicine, health and assessment. These proceedings are now available as two online courses for up to 24.5 CME/CE credit for health practitioners and others, and as a one-year Video on Demand subscription to the entire conference (30 hours in 57 videos).

Register for the Online Courses or a Video on Demand subscription through www.emfconference2021.com.

Thanks, Patricia!

Upcoming Events, Coinciding with the COP26 Climate Talks  


Nov. 7: U.S. Militarism, Space Tech, and the Climate Crisis – The Role of Demilitarization in Climate Justice

Webinar: November 7 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

This panel will identify the intersections of militarism, space tech, and climate change – and how these can be challenged.

Contributors: Lisa Savage – Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Koohan Paik-Mander – Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Adrienne Kinne – Veterans for Peace, David Collins – Veterans for Peace UK, Ashik Siddique – National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies


Resource: Memorial Day: 5G AND THE MILITARY — Marriage Made In Hell

Nov. 8: Master of Space or Master of Disaster? Webinar

Pentagon control and domination of space With Bruce Gagnon from Global Network (also VFP member) – sponsored by Boston-area Veterans For Peace Smedley Butler chapter. Begins at 7:00 pm EST. Click to join webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83142768671?pwd=ZUxRTFAvTjh0TS9DVnRUa2I3RGRydz09#succes

Nov. 4-10: Free Online Film Screening (surroundedfilm.com)

(((Surrounded))) A Memoir with a Message for the Modern World “Surrounded showcases Sam Wieder’s powerfully personal story of discovering the dangerous but invisible sea of man-made radiation that most everyone is now swimming in day and night. Heartbreaking and motivating, Sam’s experience moved me to take some simple but significant steps to minimize the hidden stress fueled by all of the radiating technology in my everyday life.” RSVP to receive your streaming link to the November 10-14 screening of Surrounded. https://surroundedfilm.com/trailer


Nov. 12: The Deadly Connections Between Space Militarization And The Climate Crisis

A UNAC sponsored webinar in conjuction with the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. Speakers include: Dave Webb, Koohan Paik-Mander and Bruce Gagnon. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hCHqBwYsT3-oLXPhsiNIGw

Nov. 14: Impacts From Privatization Of Space: Environmental, Conflicts Over Celestial Claims, War

ICSS Marxist Library (San Francisco Bay area) is sponsoring this webinar with Bruce Gagnon from the Global Network as speaker. This talk will include the plans by the nuclear industry to establish nuclear rockets to Mars and nuclear-powered mining colonies on the planetary bodies. Included will be a review of US attempts to destroy the United Nations Outer Space and Moon Treaties as Obama in 2015 signed a new law giving US corporations the ‘right’ to make land claims for mining the sky in violation of those treaties. This will result in moving the war system into space as other… Begins at 1:30 pm EST or 10:30 am PST http://space4peace.org/event/impacts-from-privatization-of-space-environmental-conflicts-over-celestial-claims-war/

To subscribe directly to the Maisonsaine (maisonsaine.ca/english) news summary compiled by André Fauteux: https://maisonsaine.ca/inscription-listes-envoi

To subscribe directly to the newsletter of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space (spave4peace): http://space4peace.org/membership/

To subscribe to Stop5GInternational news: https://stop5ginternational.org/contact/

Top image and caption: 5G small cell antenna. © http://scientists4wiredtech.com

(5G small cells are not small, and not the size of a pizza box)

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