Introducing Vegans Against Agenda 2030/ Vegans for Freedom
Derrick Broze discusses a recent article on veganism and why he believes it’s important to draw a line in the sand. As vegans we seek to end suffering of all animals, human and non-human.
However, we should not fall prey to propaganda designed to put the corporate-state in charge of our diets. We must build an awareness that not all vegans are falling prey to propaganda from the United Nations Agenda 2030 or the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset plan.
We are Vegans Against Agenda 2030. We are Vegans for Freedom.
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Show Notes:
- The truth about vegan food – and why it isn’t as healthy as you think
- The truth about vegan milk – and why it’s not the healthy alternative it seems
- Responding to Larken Rose “Vegan Dishonesty”
- Recognizing Animal Consciousness on Your Path to Freedom
Derrick is the founder of TCRN.
Source: The Conscious Resistance