Independence Day 5G Call: Awaken to Freedom — Gro Brundtland, Drs. Belpomme, Rea, Sosa, Teo Blazing the Trail for True Health, and Freedom from Suffering
When the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) and three-time-elected Prime Minister of Norway, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland told journalists in 2002 that microwave emissions from cell phones made her sick, one would think that the WHO would have taken her seriously, as a trained physician with an added Master’s Degree in Public Health from Harvard in 1965, and decades of medical and political experience since that time.
But no: certain members of WHO pushed the idea that microwave illness, now often derisively called “electro-hypersensitivity,” could be “psychosomatic” in origin.
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Dr. Dominique Belpomme
Dominique Belpomme (France) : EHS and MCS
It took French Oncologist, Dr.Dominique Belpomme and many other research scientists throughout the world to show that there are biological markers and physiological processes going on that create this affliction. French researchers, for example, demonstrated in 2005 that EMFs significantly alter the physiology of the blood brain barrier of electro-hypersensitive people; and the impact of these biological markers increases and decreases according to the intensity of the EMF exposure.
In 2010, Belpomme stated:
“We know with certainty that electromagnetic hypersensitivity is not psychosomatic. EMFs provoke major effects in the brain. The most important of these is the opening of the blood-brain barrier. This allows mercury, organochlorines and other pollutants to enter into the brain, where they cause various neurodegenerative diseases.”
Belpomme had begun seeing up to twenty new cases of microwave illness per week. He uses diagnostic methods based on blood tests as well as pulsed Doppler brain scans that measure blood flow; many electromagnetically impaired persons have vascular disorders in the brain, and various biomarkers, including too many stress proteins in about 50% of his EMF patients.
All humans and animals are affected by pollutants, especially over time, but some develop a condition in which extreme physical reactions often occur immediately upon exposure. Belpomme describes various reasons for this phenomenon. Polymorphism is one. Due to innate human differences, 30% of the population, for example is most at risk for developing cancer; the same is true for “toxin-hypersensitivity.” Another, he claims is susceptibility due to shared genetic factors. He points out Dr. Lennart Hardell’s study of sixteen families in which electro-hypersensitivity is uncommonly prevalent. The third reason electro-sensitivity arises, according to Belpomme, is susceptibility due to dental amalgams composed of mercury and other metals. The antenna effect of metals has likely been activated by the rise of microwave radio frequency radiation beginning in the 1990s, or earlier in certain countries.
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Belpomme states that the condition generally arrives in two stages: “the first phase is induced by exposure to a specific frequency, either an acute or chronic exposure, such as talking on a cell phone twenty minutes every day and developing pain or heat sensations in the ear. In the second phase the patient finds himself intolerant to all frequencies.” This is what Dr. William Rea calls “the cascade effect,” and its first arrival can be quite frightening and intense.
Belpomme has worked hard for his patients for many years. In January of 2019, the French Court ruled that microwave illness is an occupational disease that can be developed even when radiation exposure levels considered “safe” by the government, still cause damage to the worker. Nineteen years earlier Sweden had officially recognized “electro-hypersensitivity” as an electromagnetic impairment caused by a polluted environment.
His paper, “Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It” was published in 2020 in the Special Issue Environmental Sensitivity Illnesses: Mechanisms and Molecular Signatures by the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Dr. William Rea
Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Perhaps one of the most independent pioneers of the 20th century was Dr. William Rea, forced by his own chemical injuries, to open up the largest clinic in the world for people damaged by toxic pollutants.
As a Rea patient, I once had a dream in which I was surrounded by a group of about two hundred men all pointing the finger at my emaciated, 77-pound-body, telling me that my condition due to toxic injury wasn’t real. From this group, Dr. Rea suddenly emerged, standing up in my defense, reciting medical data and scientific proof. It was indeed the first time anyone had authoritatively stood up for me, both in the dream and in real life. The power of this experience, for anyone battling toxic injury and death is hard to describe in words. No one, upon first getting sick, believes that such torture and bondage can last for years or that no doctor can really help. When I awoke from the dream it was like waking from a three year nightmare. I could feel dampness at the edges of my eyes, and I thought of the phrase: when the soul of a body long suppressed finds utterance…it awakens at last to the possibility of freedom…
In 1991, Rea was also one of the first doctors to perform a successful, predominately double blind study on EMF sensitivity, after weeding out the most accurate human detectors of real-versus-sham EMF pulses, in a four phase study.
Rea held the world chair for environmental medicine for many years and personally saved my own life as well as the lives or critical health conditions of many others including Dr. Carlos Sosa.
Dr. Carlos Sosa
Dr. Carlos Sosa MD- EMF TENT
An M.D. trained in multiple medical fields, Dr. Carlos Sosa is from Medellín, Colombia.
Along with environmental toxicologist, Dr. Magda Havas, he was instrumental in getting the declassified U.S. Navy bibliography on EMF health effects complied by Dr. Zory Glaser out to the public. He has also collected and distributed an enormous body of scientific evidence and internationally peer-reviewed studies on the subject. His own electromagnetic impairment (EMI) became so bad at times that he was forced to live in a tent out in the jungle, at certain intervals for months and even years. He has gone to the Environmental Health Center in Dallas, Texas several times, and has deeply studied the works of Dr. William Rea; there are over four thick, fascinating volumes on the effects of various environmental toxins.
In 2020, Dr. Sosa wrote a chapter on Electromagnetic Disease published in a standard medical text book in Spanish on Emergency Pediatrics: El Nino Urgente.
Sosa states that the toxic nature of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) constitutes a clearly established fact according to international medical literature which has been accumulating for 250 years. It is established that a causal relationship between exposure to EMFs and a wide spectrum of diseases and multi-systemic dysfunctions fulfill the epidemiological postulates of medical causality of Koch-Henle, as well as the Bradford Hill, and Susser criteria.
The explosive growth & use of wireless technologies during the past several decades have created a serious medical problem of planetary magnitude in which devastating impairment due to microwave illness and electrical sensitivity have risen in incidence. Damage to the autonomic system and immune dysregulation are but two facets, among many. It is urgent, according to Dr. Sosa and many other independent physicians that the medical profession becomes aware of the clinical and pathophysiological implications in the irradiation of children and “the consequent deleterious effects on health, gestational neurological altercations and cognitive dysfunction.”
I had the great honor of becoming a friend to Dr. Carlos Sosa when he stayed at my home in the Green Bank radio quiet zone while extremely ill in 2018. He has worked with me on various advocacy issues related to EMF health effects; the legal and medical challenges are often labyrinthine in nature due to bias in the corporate-influenced governmental agencies and mostly censored press; it is a long unending struggle. Despite great physical suffering, Dr. Sosa had (and has) a wonderful sense of humor and a brilliant mind.
Unlike some physicians, he has no arrogance; you find only humility, dignity, integrity and a graciousness that is rarely encountered in modern life. Due to his dual experience of being both a patient and a doctor, he perhaps understands the toxic-injury issues, in and out, and from multiple viewpoints better than almost anyone around. What first struck me most about Carlos Sosa is his deep compassion for all people and the condition of human suffering. Currently, Dr. Sosa is studying the use of medical ozone therapy for various conditions.
Dr. Charlie Teo
Renowned Neurosurgeon Dr. Charlie Teo Calls For the Right To Know About Cell Phone Radiation
Another independent thinker, Dr. Charlie Teo is a neurosurgeon of world renown due his status as a “miracle worker” using minimally-invasive or ‘keyhole’ neurosurgery. In recent years he has recognized the role of microwave radiation from wireless devices in brain tumors. He recently gave a lecture with Nobel Laureate, Dr. Devra Davis. (3-minute summary of main points of the longer video here.)
The evolution of our understanding of human health always owes a great debt to trailblazers and pioneers, for their efforts that must prevail against fierce opposition.
“Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.”―Martin Luther King Jr.
You can read the rest of the series “Independence Day 5G” HERE
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