Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) For Autism?

By Neenah Payne

Underestimated — The Autism Miracle tells the remarkable story of Jamison Handley who, with his father JB, wrote Underestimated: An Autism Miracle. Jamison now wants to make a film documenting the Spelling to Communicate (S2C) program that allowed him at age 17 to “speak” using first a letter board and now a keyboard with voice output.

Jamie began his S2C journey with Elizabeth Vosseller, Director of the Growing Kids Therapy Center, after a friend whose son had been through the program told JB about it. Elizabeth began her session with Jamie by saying “I know how smart you are.” No one had every understood that about him. All his teachers had treated him as if he were retarded. Jamie has proven to be super smart and a whiz at calculus. It was assumed that autistic people were mentally retarded because their motor impairment was misinterpreted as a cognitive impairment. However, it has been discovered that a significant percentage of autistic people have a motor disorder that keeps them from speaking. Jamie’s goal now is to go to college to study neuroscience. His goal in 10 years is to be able to speak and to get married.

According to the Autism Society of America 1 in 54 children are diagnosed with autism. Ten years ago it was 1 in 125. There are now over 3.5 million individuals on the autism spectrum in the US alone.

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Stephanie Seneff Ph.D. warns that by 2032, 50% of Americans kids (80% of boys) will be autistic!

The article focuses on the remarkable story of autistic piano prodigy Jacob Velazquez.

Linda Elsegood: LDN Research Trust

Linda Elsegood is the founder of the LDN Research Trust which was set up in the UK as a Registered Charity in 2004 and is the editor of The LDN Book. Diagnosed with MS in August of 2000, Linda started LDN therapy in December 2003 and now has a better quality of life and hope for the future.

Through the Trust, Linda has connected thousands of patients, doctors, and pharmacists around the world with information, articles, and patient stories about LDN. Lisa interviews doctors, patients, and parents who have used LDN. The LDN Story is a documentary by the LDN Research Trust.

The site says:

“We have made six documentaries, which have been huge successes. Additionally, we arrange LDN conferences both large and small, and host seminars in conjunction with pharmacies. In short, the LDN Research Trust strives to spread the word about LDN and to encourage and support ongoing research about the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).”

“LDN holds the potential to help millions of people suffering from various autoimmune diseases and even autism…. Extremely affordable and presents few side effects. So why has it languished in relative medical obscurity?”

Jacob Velazquez: Musical Prodigy

Dr. Brian Udell is a pediatrician in Miami, Florida who specializes in autism. In 2008, he began seeing about 7 autistic children a week. Now, he might see 10 autistic kids a day. In 2006, a paper showed that Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is a valuable tool for autism. Dr. Udell has been using LDN since 2008 and it has been very successful. LDN is inexpensive and easy to take because he gives it as a cream. Dr. Udell says there are no other choices for autism.

In The LDN Story seen above, William and Tina Valezquez discuss their autistic son, Jacob, who was aggressive and uncommunicative. When Dr. Udell put Jacob on glutathione, he began to improve. However, when he put Jacob on LDN cream, there was literally an overnight 180-degree improvement. Later, William and Tina found that the liquid form of LDN was even more effective. They say most people would never know now that Jacob had been diagnosed with autism. LDN costs them about $29 a month.

Dr. Udell explains that many autistic kids turn out to be “savants” – prodigies! At age three, Jacob suddenly began playing the piano as his father does. His parents found a piano teacher for Jacob at age 4. He is playing Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and amazes his parents. Jacob performed on Good Morning America, CNN, local news, etc. When William and Tina posted a YouTube video of Jacob playing, it went viral!

In the video 10 Year Old Pianist Jacob Velazquez With The Hallandale Symphonic Pops Orchestra, Jacob performs from memory without a musical score for over 20 minutes! The other musicians have scores!

LDN Research Interviews

Lisa Elsegood interviewed Dr. Udell in Dr Brian Udell shares his Low Does Naltrexone (LDN) Experience

The LDN Conference 2021 says:

“In an LDN Research Trust documentary, ‘The LDN Story’, Dr Brian Udell, specialising in paediatrics, has parents who go to him with children who are not developing normally and the conventional medical community don’t have answers for them.

Dr Udell has been using Low dose Naltrexone with his autistic patients since 2008 and says it’s been very successful in some variations of autism. He has found it effective in aggressive and disruptive behaviours in particular, there are also reports from parents that the children “don’t get sick like they used to” and for that reason alone they will continue with LDN.

Brian D. Udell, MD, in his chapter in the LDN Book, gives a case study of a patient, Jacob, who was helped enormously by Dr Udell’s LDN protocol.

Tina from the United States shares her Autism and Low Does Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Linda Elsegood: I’d like to introduce Tina Velazquez from the United States, whose children, Jacob and Skylar take LDN. Thank you for meeting here, Tina. Could you tell us Jacob and Skylar’s experience with LDN, please?

Tina: Yes. Jacob was the first one. He was diagnosed with PDD(NOS), which is high functioning autism, at the age of four. And at that time he was very aggressive. He couldn’t tolerate noises such as babies crying, hairdryers, toilets flushing, anything like that. And he had lots of sensory issues. We couldn’t take him in public. He would just run away from us. He would open the door to the house and just run for the street. But then, the worst part was right after our daughter was born and she was just an infant, and whenever she would cry, to try to make her stop, he would kick her or throw things at her or scream, and he would sometimes cry himself. And he would slam doors.

We had holes in our walls. He was just very unhappy. He wouldn’t let me touch him. I couldn’t hug him or kiss him. If I told him I loved him, he would say, I don’t love you. We started seeing a biomedical doctor who treats children with autism in a more natural way. And after a few months of trying different things, and a lot of things weren’t really helping him,  the biggest thing was Jacob’s aggressive behaviour. And so, Dr. Dell asked me what was the worst thing? What did I really want? And I said his aggression, especially towards his little sister.

So he said, well, why don’t we try something called low dose naltrexone, LDN. And as soon as I heard that, I just thought that sounds like a drug. And remember my eyes started to water, and I thought, how could he even suggest this? He’s supposed to be biomedical, more natural. And I didn’t want my son on stimulants or any of those things that I had heard about. And so he said, okay, just calm down, let me explain to you what LDN does.

He described that you rub just that a little bit of cream on his wrist at night right before bed, and then it would block his endorphins for the first four hours, and then when his body realized that the endorphins were being blocked, that they would upregulate for the next 18 hours. And that some families were finding that their children with autism who had negative behaviours, that they were doing better on LDN.

And so I thought, okay, it’s worth a try. I mean, a cream, how well is this really gonna work? You know, that doctor had really helped us with other things in the past, so we got the prescription, and we rubbed it on his wrist that night. And the next day — typically he would wake up, and we would know he was awake because he would slam the door as hard as he could and get us all awake — I actually went into his room, and he hadn’t woken up early like he normally does.

I went in to wake him up, and he said, ‘Good morning, mommy’. And I just couldn’t… I thought, okay, this has to be a coincidence, this can’t be real, this can’t be happening. And from that day, it’s so hard to believe though as I’m saying it, that this is the way it happened, but it truly is. I mean, he changed. From that day on, he was calm, and he was happy, and it was just such a natural way. It wasn’t as if he was being medicated or anything.

He was just the way that I always hoped he would be. And he stopped throwing things or trying to hurt his sister. You know, she would cry, he would just cover his ears or tell or ask me to help Skyler, ‘What’s wrong with her?’ But he wasn’t aggressive towards her anymore. He wasn’t aggressive towards us anymore. Like I had mentioned it to Dr. Dell, when I would start to tell him he would actually even start telling me he loved me. And I remember saying, will you always love me this much? And he would say yes, and I even recorded him. I said I love you. And he said I love you too. And I recorded him because I just was afraid that this wasn’t going to last. I didn’t see how it could be possible. Eventually, he got a little bit of a rash from the cream, so we switched to the oral liquid, and that seemed to work even better. He’s still on it to this day, since he was four years old. He’s seven now. And he’s doing great. And his aggressive behaviours haven’t come back, and his negative behaviours haven’t come back. Still tells me he loves me. He’s very protective of his sister now.

And now our daughter Skylar, she’s three now, and I think it was about a year and a half ago we started her on LDN as well, because she had a little bit of a low immune system and it has helped her immune system, but more than that, um, it’s helped her. She was just a very fussy child. She would just follow me around the house, and kind of cry and whine, and she wanted to be held all day. And I didn’t really know what was wrong with her because she’s speech-delayed as well. And it’s a total 360 turnaround for her. She’s always happy and very rarely does she whine or cry. She’s just one of the happiest children you’d ever meet. So it’s really just been life-changing for our family.….

Linda Elsegood: … what would you say to mothers that have got an autistic child who are really scared and frightened and not open to LDN.

Tina: I don’t know if it will work for everyone, but it’s definitely worth a try. It’s not expensive. We have ours mailed to us; we don’t even have to go to the pharmacy. And it feels, to me, it’s the most natural thing. It’s such a very low dose and I don’t even consider it a drug….And we tell everyone we meet about it. We’ve talked to parents who were considering Ritalin or other things that their doctors had, or Zoloft, or different pharmaceutical drugs that their doctors had recommended for their children if their behaviours were aggressive or they were hyperactive, or things like that. We say, well, why don’t you just give it a try? Those drugs are dangerous, but LDN I think it can only help. And it’s worth a try, it’s definitely worth a try. It definitely worked for my children…..

My husband and I tell everyone we meet because we want to spread the word. People don’t know about this. People only know what their neurologist or their psychiatrist is telling them. And unfortunately, LDN isn’t what they’re telling them. We’re just so fortunate that we found a doctor that had really done his research, and talked to me into trying this. I will be forever indebted to Dr. Dell for what he’s done for my children.”

Jacob Thinks Having Autism Is “Cool”

Jacob was a prodigy by age 4 and released his first album at age 7.

7-Year-Old Piano Prodigy Jacob Velazquez Has Album In the Works

Velazquez has two songs on iTunes and his first music video.

10-year-old piano prodigy wants people to know having autism is ‘cool

“Tina Velazquez was in her kitchen when she heard someone sit down and start playing the grand piano in the other room. The Pembroke Pines resident figured it was her husband, Willie, returning home from work early. Instead, she walked into the surprise of a lifetime — her not even 4-year-old son, Jacob, at the keys. ‘I asked Jacob ‘how was he doing that?’ Velazquez recalled. ‘He replied, ‘I watched daddy.’

Fast forward seven years and Jacob isn’t just surprising his mom anymore. Last month, the now 10-year-old performed Chopin’s “Fantaisie-Impromptu” on the Harry Connick Jr. Show. Before that, he performed with the Imperial Symphony Orchestra for the group’s annual Autism Awareness Month Cookie Concert.

The fourth grader was diagnosed with autism when he was around three — something Tina considers to be a factor to her son’s prodigy-like skills. ‘After learning the score, he plays from memory,’ she said. ‘I think being on the autism spectrum gives Jacob a certain ‘hyper focus’ that helps him memorize pieces so quickly and efficiently.’

When Jacob flew through books in days that would take other students months, his instructor, Jaffird Sierra, realized Jacob was special. Sierra enrolled Jacob into a competition where at 4-years-old, he performed Mozart’s ‘Minuet.’ His feet swung off the bench as he played. He was the youngest kid in the competition and ended up taking him the double platinum trophy.”

Jacob Velazquez On The Harry Connick Jr Show

Extraordinary Kids: Jacob

Yanni’s “Felitsa” | Jacob Velazquez


Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider.

Neenah Payne writes for Natural Blaze and Activist Post

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