Register For The Truth About Vaccines: October 13-23!

By Neenah Payne

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider.

Register now for “The Truth About Vaccines” 10-day docuseries free online October 13-23. The docuseries is by Ty and Charlene Bollinger who have put on The Truth About Cancer for many years.

The series begins on Tuesday, October 13 at 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern. Customer Service is open Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm ET. For support, call 1 (877) 521-5572 or 1 (775) 473-9225 or email Ty is the author of The Truth About Cancer: What You Need To Know About Cancer’s History, Treatment, and Prevention and Cancer: Step Outside The Box.

Ty explains in the registration video that it doesn’t matter which part of the spectrum of vaccines beliefs you are on, this docuseries is for you! It interviews 60 experts who look at the science of several leading vaccines. Episode 10 is devoted to the controversial, rushed mRNA COVID-19 vaccine which is running into serious problems in trials now. Encourage family and friends to register for this docuseries now so they can also be fully informed about these critical, life-altering choices.

What You Will Learn

  1. The History of Vaccines: Vaccination programs are given credit for eradicating some of the most devastating illnesses of the past, but they’re no longer immune to controversy of their own.
  2. Vaccine Risks and Safety Concerns: Concerns about vaccine injuries, mercury toxicity, and autism have increased substantially in recent years, and public debate is once again heating up.
  3. Full List of Options and Alternatives: You don’t have to be pro- or anti-vaccine anymore. New options allow you to guard against serious illness based on your situation and risk factors.
  4. Three NEW Episodes for 2020!
    — “Censorship & Suppression”
    — “W.H.O.’s Not Telling the Truth?”
    — “Vaccines 101 (Vanquishing the ‘Vaccinati’ with Veracity)”

Ty and Charlene discuss the docuseries in this video.

The Truth About Vaccines 10-Day Docuseries Schedule

Each episode airs at 6PM PT/9PM ET and will be online for 24 hours.

  • Episode 1: History of Vaccines, Smallpox, Vaccine Safety, Current CDC Schedule (October 13)
  • Episode 2: What’s in a Vaccine? Are Vaccines Effective? … and … What About Polio? (October 14)
  • Episode 3: Analysis of MMR & DTaP Vaccines & Vaccinating for the Greater Good (October 15)
  • Episode 4: Influenza, HIB and Pneumococcal Vaccines & Herd Immunity (October 16)
  • Episode 5: HPV and Hepatitis B Vaccines, SIDS & Shaken Baby Syndrome (October 17)
  • Episode 6: Closer Look at the CDC, Chicken-Pox and Rotavirus Vaccines & Retroviruses (October 18)
  • Episode 7: Natural Immunization, Homeoprophylaxis & Fundamental Freedom of Choice (October 19)
  • Episode 8 (Bonus): Censorship & Suppression (October 20)
  • Episode 9 (Bonus): WHO’s Not Telling the Truth? (October 21)
  • Episode 10: Vaccines 101 (Vanquishing the “Vaccinati” with Veracity) (October 22)

The Battle For Humanity: COVID-19 Vaccine!

The Battle For Humanity says: “This may be the most important video you will ever watch in your life!” The active ingredient in the Moderna vaccine which will alter our RNA or DNA is called “Luciferase”.

In The Battle For Humanity, Dr. Carrie Madej warns that the purpose of the COIVD vaccine is twofold:

  1. To reprogram our DNA to make us human/AI hybrids that will be easier to control.
  2. To implant a Digital Vaccine ID that will allow total control over each person.

The site warns:

There is a battle raging for humanity. Dr Carrie Madej reveals how Big Tech collaborates with Big Pharma to introduce new technologies in the coming vaccines that will alter our DNA and turn us into hybrids. This will end humanity as we know it, and start the process of transhumanism: HUMAN 2.0. The plans are to use vaccines to inject nanotechnology into our bodies and connect us to the Cloud and artificial intelligence. This will enable corrupt governments and tech giants to control us without us being aware of it.


video HERE

Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose is a website by Doctors for Information. Over 500 German medical doctors said during a national press conference: “The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.”

COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers Revealed!

See A Guide to the Ronavax — Understanding the Experimental Coronavirus Vaccines.

The Astrazeneca Saga Continues reveals problems emerging in the COVID-19 vaccine tests.

Flu Shot For Dummies reports on the many problems with the seasonal flu shot. The video says:

As mainstream media pushes “Twin-demic” panic, claiming the only answer is the flu shot, Dr. Jim Meehan, MD, sits down with Del to thoroughly look at science behind the flu shot’s effectiveness and safety, providing everything you need to know to make an informed decision on whether to inject yourself and your kids this fall.

These videos provide the kind of vital information the corporate media often fails to report and is often suppressed by the Tech Giants. That lack of knowledge can put millions of Americans in harm’s way.

For example, The Highwire, the show by Del Bigtree who provided these reports, was forced off YouTube recently. Fortunately, Del has his own platform now.

2020 Film — 1986: The Act

The Battle For Humanity shows that under the Emergency Preparedness (Prep) Act, COVID vaccine manufacturers have no liability. So, no matter how many people the vaccine injures or kills, no drug company will have to pay a cent. That means they have little incentive to make the rushed vaccines safe – vaccines that will take them from being multi-billion dollar companies to multi-trillion dollar companies if 7+ billion people are forced to take the expensive vaccine – perhaps more than once.

The 2020 film 1986: The Act discusses the terrible results when drug companies were granted immunity in 1986 for the harm caused by their vaccines.

Announcing the movie you won’t want to miss! 1986: The Act says:

For thousands of parents with vaccine-injured children, the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) conjures up sadness, betrayal of trust, disappointment and anger. But what does the rest of the public think? Most people don’t even realize the NCVIA exists! They are still under the rosy misconception that vaccines are safe and effective and that our legislators and public health officials would never do anything that would knowingly hurt America’s children.

Dr. Andy Wakefield, the filmmaker who brought us Vaxxed, now brings us 1986: The Act, a story of how the powerful force of a mother’s intuition leads down the rabbit hole of lies and corruption surrounding the NCVIA. 1986: The Act forges head on into the important conversation and controversy surrounding this one-sided health policy that gave vaccine makers a multi-billion-dollar gift (so far) and immunity from prosecution. Viewers will learn how “The Act” turned fairness and the US court system on its head.

Effective Treatments Make COVID Vaccine Unnecessary

The Battle For Humanity shows that there are several effective treatments used around the world for COVID-19. These include Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s protocol which is used by seven countries, intravenous vitamin C used in China and New York, and budesonide used by Dr. Richard Bartlett in Texas.

See these articles for more information:

  1. HCQ: The Fight To Save America!
  2. MDs: No Reason To Fear CVID-19 Now!
  3. Two Potentially Effective COVID-19 Treatments!
  4. China and New York Use Vitamin C For COVID-19!
  5. MD: Use HCQ For COVID-19 To Re-Open America Now!
  6. The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It

Zelenko: HCQ Deniers Are “Guilty of Mass Murder is a video that YouTube removed, but which is now on BitChute posted below. It says:

As the Covid-19 treatment Hydroxychloroquine continues to be portrayed by MSM as an unsuccessful, dangerous drug, Vladimir Zelenko, MD has been saving his patients’ lives with his “Zelenko Protocol” since March. In his first interview since his HCQ study was officially released, Del goes in depth with Zelenko about how he developed his protocol, the attack against the drug, and how his letter to the President might have changed history.

Dr. Zelenko says that people are not dying from COVID-19, but from “death by politics”! He explains that we have a very effective safe inexpensive treatment to manage the early stages of COVID-19 to prevent patients from going to the hospital. However, there are opponents to the use of that treatment for a variety of reasons that include political and financial gain. Dr. Zelenko says that history is unforgiving and it will become very clear soon who was on the right side of history and who on the wrong side – who was advocating for the sanctity of human life and who was creating barriers and committing crimes against humanity.

Belgian MDs Reject COVID “Health” Policies!

Hundreds of Belgian Docs Push Back discusses an open letter with nearly 13,000 signatories, including doctors and medically-trained professionals in Belgium, which is gaining major traction. Using science-based data showing the lockdown was unjustified, the letter refutes attempts to reapply the same measures.

Senator Rand Paul Grills Fauci on COVID “Health” Policies!

Fauci Gets Grilled shows that in recent Senate hearings, Senator Rand Paul (who is a medical doctor) questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci about the COVID “health” policies he endorsed as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

New Book: Corona False Alarm?

Karina Reiss, Ph.D. released CORONA False Alarm?: Facts and Figures on October 2, 2020.

Amazon Description:

Cut to the facts about coronavirus in Corona, False Alarm?, the runaway German bestseller. In June 2020, Corona, False Alarm? exploded into the German market, selling 200,000 copies and 75,000 e-books in six weeks. No other topic dominates our attention as much as coronavirus and COVID-19, the infectious disease it triggers. There’s been a global deluge of contradictory opinions, fake news, and politically controlled information. Differing views on the dangers posed by the pandemic have led to deep division and confusion within governments, society, and even among friends and family.

In Corona, False Alarm?, award-winning researchers Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Karina Reiss give clarity to these confusing and stressful times. They offer analysis of whether radical protective measures ― including lockdown, social distancing, and mandatory masking ― have been justified, and what the ramifications have been for society, the economy, and public health. Dr. Bhakdi and Dr. Reiss provide dates, facts, and background information….Corona, False Alarm? provides you with sound information and substantiated facts―and encourages you to form your own opinion on the corona crisis.”

“Bestseller” Book Calls Out Covid-19 is an interview with the authors.

Why Did Amazon Ban This Book?

Amazon sells several books by Dr. Thomas Cowan as well as many of his nutritional supplements. It also sells several books by Dr. Sally Fallon. However, Amazon banned their new book Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease although it had quickly risen to the best-seller lists in at least two categories. The book quickly became the #1 Best Seller at Barnes & Noble! Banning books in this era is equivalent to book burning in Nazi Germany. What are the Tech Titans so afraid of Americans knowing? Knowledge is power. In denying Americans access to information, Big Tech is undermining the power of the nation. That makes them anti-American.

Dr. Cowan now sells the book on his website. He had an informative discussion with Dr. Fallon called Amazon Banned My Book!However, YouTube banned this discussion of Amazon’s book banning! They discuss many of the same ideas in Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends | Ep:2 – Sally Fallon Morell. Dr. Fallon is the author of Nourishing Traditions which she discusses in the interview.

In “Whatever Happened to Rigorous, Open, Scientific Discourse?”, Dr. Cowan wrote subscribers:

The central premise of “The Contagion Myth” is that, contrary to what we have been led to believe, no actual scientific evidence exists that any novel coronavirus exists. Science lays out clear, well-accepted and defined rules for how we determine that a new virus exists. Researchers take a sample from a sick person, macerate, filter and centrifuge it until a pure virus is obtained. This virus is then examined under the electron microscope.

Shockingly, on page 39 of the CDC’s July 2020 bulletin, the CDC acknowledges no published “isolates” of the coronavirus are known. Equally shockingly, the authors of the six most important papers on the isolation and characterization of this new virus all publicly and in writing admit that they neither purified nor isolated this virus. At this point, there is simply no evidence this virus exists, let alone causes any disease.

We, of course, could be incorrect in our documentation of these statements as well as many other pieces of historical evidence we lay out, in which case in a free, open and post-Enlightenment society, other researchers would come forth with clear evidence that we are in error.

I would welcome such a discourse. I would love to review whatever studies they would present. Yet, instead, we are met with censorship and scorn. This response is an ominous development in the life of humanity, one we must oppose.

Global Medical Consensus vs. COVID “Health” Policies

Sweden, Pennsylvania, South Dakota & Denmark – Standing Against The Narrative says:

Before we look at those places around the world with soft approaches to the pandemic, and the successes they have had, everyone needs to know that the pandemic has taken on a shroud of fantasy. It’s an illusion, many say, a scam even though the virus is real, though probably man-made.

We still hear panic coming from many health officials and politicians. Yet, death rates have flatlined, reports of astronomical false positives are in, and if you have lots of vitamin D in your bloodstream, the chances of dying are almost zero. Only six percent die from the virus alone. The rest died from usually more than one precondition leading older people to their death beds within the year anyway. Yet there is nothing but hysteria fueling the mad and desperate race for vaccines that are already proving to sport serious side-effects in test subjects.

Participants in two leading coronavirus vaccine trials told CNBC that they are experiencing high fever, body aches, bad headaches, day-long exhaustion, and other symptoms after receiving the shots….

Only 0.2 percent of people who test positive for COVID-19 end up dying at some point after being diagnosed. This 99.8 percent survival rate is significantly higher than the one proposed by Fauci back in March and April when he falsely claimed that upwards of 6 percent of COVID-19 patients would die from the virus – meaning Fauci incorrectly claimed that the novel virus was 20 to 30 times more deadly than it is. That seems like a crime against humanity, at least against the American people.

We Need To Hear All Sides Of COVID-19 Story!

The corporate media and Tech Giants have allowed only one side of the COVID-19 story to be told. So, many Americans have been terrified because they believe COVID-19 is a “deadly pandemic”. They believe they must obey all the COVID-19 “health” policies or risk dying or killing others. Stop Big Tech Censorship Now! discusses the steps to stop censorship by Amazon, Google, Facebook YouTube, and Twitter. Ted Cruz Proposes Remedies for Tech Censorship: Regulate, Antitrust, Anti-Fraud.

There is another important side of the COVID-19 story that is being told only on the alternative media in sites like Natural Blaze, Activist Post, and The Highwire. People need this information to make informed decisions. The free film Plandemic: Indoctornation is an easy way to understand the full story. Get informed and help inform others now. Our lives and freedom depend on it!

Three States Begin To Re-Open Normally

It’s Time to Re-Open America Now! includes the video Data expert Donald Luskin explains how the COVID lockdowns have failed. The COVID-19 Shutdown Will Cost Americans Millions of Years of Life is an article by Dr. Scott Atlas, the new Coronavirus Health Advisor, and three other authors.

THE COVID19 EXIT STRATEGY is a 2-hour show with Toby Rogers PhD, an economist who is the author of the article Will “Deaths of Despair” Outpace Deaths From Coronavirus?

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Dr. Scott Atlas hold coronavirus briefing shows that on August 31, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida re-opened schools. He was accompanied by Dr. Atlas who explained elsewhere that masks and social distancing are not necessary in schools because of the low infection and transmission rates in those age groups.

Major Dose of COVID-19 Truth shows that Gov. Ron DeSantis held a press conference in late September Gov. DeSantis held a virtual roundtable featuring Harvard Medical School’s Martin Kulldorff and Michael Levitt and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford. Every minute of it is worth watching. No hysteria, no panic.

The video FLORIDA LEADS THE PACK INTO “PHASE 3” OF LOCKDOWN from The Highwire explains that Gov. DeSantis showed a CDC chart of the low risk from COVID. Florida restaurants are re-opening with no limitations. The video says,

Citing a dramatic decrease in hospitalizations, low mortality rates, and growing strain on the economy, Florida has taken the U.S. lead on transitioning into ‘Phase 3’ of lockdown, which means they are open for business. The trailblazing Gov. Ron DeSantis went a step further, cancelling all outstanding covid-based fines. Tennessee has followed suit, and Mississippi is the first to lift mask mandates. Is this the beginning of a cascade of states looking at science and using rational thinking to make decisions on lockdown measures?

Stop World Control

See the Stop World Control site for important information that is urgent to for many people to see. Sign up and encourage others to do likewise. Our lives and our freedoms are at stake now!

You will receive an email that says:

Welcome to a historical movement of people all over the world, fighting together for freedom. Depending on the amount of truth you have already discovered, you may or may not understand that we are in the midst of World War III. This time it is not an invasion with tanks and rockets, but an invasion with media deception. The result is the same: External powers take control of our lives. Our rights and freedoms are removed. We are subjected to dictatorship.

Doctors Recommend More Scientific COVID Response

The Great Barrington Declaration by three renowned experts – Dr. Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, Dr. Sunetra Gutpa of Oxford, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford — recommends a more scientific approach than the current polices for handling COVID-19.

The Declaration begins:

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

The video interview says:

From October 1-4, 2020, the American Institute for Economic Research hosted a remarkable meeting of top epidemiologists, economists, and journalists to discuss the global emergency created by the unprecedented use of state compulsion in the management of the Covid-19 pandemic. The result is The Great Barrington Declaration which urges a “Focused Protection” strategy.

Read the Declaration and sign it if you support it.

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring of infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.

Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.

Mass Protests Against COVID Policies In Europe and Canada

Historic Protests Grow Against COVID Policies reports on the massive demonstrations in London and Berlin on August 29 which included a star-studded cast of speakers. Millions of people took to the streets in Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Serbia, and Canada throughout July-October to protest the destructive COVID “health” policies.

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