OK, Let’s Talk Immunity
Revised/Updated from February 19, 2019
By Peter Tocci
Human immune function is awe-inspiring – so complex and anatomically dispersed, yet wholly integrated operationally, that any implication of full understanding is mere posture. But there seem to be physiological and philosophical questions underlying a common, but controversial, immune-related medical Rx.
Anatomically speaking, there is no ‘immune system’ as in digestive system, for example, or respiratory. Several anatomical systems possess immune function. Of these, the digestive, especially the intestines and their bacterial population, are key. The ‘system’ exists only in the wondrous cross-communication and coordination among immunity components of the various anatomical systems.
One key function is identifying what is benign or harmful (often described as recognizing “self” from “non-self”). But it’s also an elegant janitorial and recycling service.
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‘Alternative’ health practitioners have long known what conventional medical science has finally acknowledged (and is taking credit for discovering). The bacteria native to our intestines are foundational to health. This includes immune coordination and modulation. “The human gut plays a huge role in immune function … This is little appreciated by people who think its only role is digestion.”
There should be 3-4 pounds of ‘friendly’ bacteria populating a healthy adult gut—10 times more individuals than the body has cells. The colony behaves so intelligently, some call it our “second brain.” Probably 75% of Americans have 25% or less (no aspersion on American brains intended 🙂 It’s called dysbiosis. For the ‘new’ science on what has long been generally known, search ‘microbiome,’ a contextual term covering all the vital microbiological populations on, in and around humans. We are not alone 🙂
In a money-power coup more than a century ago, JD Rockefeller gained control of conventional (“science-based”) medical education and practice. The problem wasn’t science per se, but ‘political’ science managed for profit. In short, medicine became symptom oriented, ignoring underlying disease conditions, such as toxicity, acid/base (pH) imbalance and dysbiosis.
Symptoms and sets of symptoms, which could have various causes, became regarded as specific diseases. This model grew out of the half-truth known as the Germ Theory of Disease (more below).
Traditionally, conventional medicine (CM) education and practice has since paid no significant attention to maintaining gut integrity or to restoring it as treatment for illness. To the contrary, it has, as if deliberately, disrupted and destroyed that integrity by favoring toxic products from the FDA-coddled ’Pharmanopoly,’ especially including antibiotics (which it now admits). Someday, it may be forced (kicking and screaming) to admit to vaccines as well.
There are two major phases of immune function: 1) “Innate,” and 2) “Humoral.” Innate immune function consists of two “layers” considered to be the first and second ‘lines of defense’. The first layer is physical and chemical barriers.
The second layer of defense is called cell-mediated or non-specific resistance. Cells in the intestinal wall (protected by bacteria) thwart germs by signaling to innate cells, leading to the activation of white blood cells and release of protective chemicals.
Humoral immunity (antibody-mediated), also called specific resistance and “acquired immunity,” is the third line of defense. Vaccine doctrine says it’s first, which is a ploy on behalf of artificial ‘immunity’. Specific proteins called antigens exist on the membranes of germs. Once the antigen/organism is identified as foreign, plasma cells make antigen-specific proteins called antibodies that attach to and deactivate them.
Vaccines target humoral/antibody function. As physiology texts say, however, the first time immune function sees an antigen/pathogen, antibody response is comparatively mild, as innate immunity takes the lead.
Amazingly, however, a memory of the antigen is created in special cells, which becomes acquired immunity. Natural resistance. What vaccines attempt in vain to achieve artificially. One key is that natural resistance requires the involvement of the system as a whole. It’s a ‘general alert’ with ‘duties’ delegated. Upon the next appearance, antibody response is massive, called the anamnestic response.
It appears that in the 19th century — when the term “immune system,” or any detailed understanding of its operation, didn’t even exist — science’ concluded that Nature had failed in its organization of bodily defenses, so needed help from arrogant, greedy minds of the type that prompted Mary Shelley to write Frankenstein.
19th century chemist Louis Pasteur is credited with the Germ Theory of Disease, upon which vaccination is predicated. His contemporary, Antoine Béchamp, brilliant biology/life-science researcher and college professor, who first discovered the germs of the air, warned against the poison needle, emphasizing the condition of our inner ecology, or “terrain,” over mere presence of the pathogen.
Holistically speaking, in other words, a harmonized, balanced terrain — a body well nourished and hydrated, pH balanced, with low toxicity and a strong gut population, and having developed immunity naturally, presents a terrain in which pathogens are discouraged, even ‘uninterested’ – before anything more than routine innate immune function (‘janitorial’) becomes necessary.
Of course, we must never omit consideration of the psyche in health maintenance or harm. For example, fear and stress lower the system’s vitality – gut/brain axis (these days as well we mustn’t omit the chaos introduced by electromagnetic ‘pollution,’ especially telecom/WiFi radiation, a major detriment to immune function).
Moreover, even if vaccination were effective (and safe) as claimed (never proven scientifically, however, only by statistical milling), it could not confer health, which is much more than the absence of symptoms – a popular confusion CM relies on for its magic tricks. Vaccination can’t rebalance a poor terrain (to the contrary).
But since Pasteur’s Germ Theory, a dangerous half truth, seemed entirely true superficially, and since he had friends in the aristocracy, wherein the potential for vaccine profit was most appealing…well, the rest is history.
In re terrain, Béchamp spoke of a “…dirty or clean condition.” Speaking to the superficiality of Pasteur’s Germ Theory, he said wryly, in effect: ‘It is all the more dangerous because it can be demonstrated scientifically.’
1) Since initial antibody response is mild and can’t fully protect, did Nature intend it to be primary, as CM claims and artificial stimulation implies? Or is it a backup system designed to prepare for the future, should we neglect to ensure harmony and balance in our terrain, bringing powerful innate defense?
2) If immunity is harmonized by inter-communication, does it make sense to introduce chaos with toxins injected directly into the blood, bypassing the first line of defense? Are we compromising immune function instead of improving it? Is it possible that, with its assault on infectious symptoms with vaccines and fungal toxins (antibiotics), CM has facilitated the onslaught of chronic degenerative disease? A sense of how much research money Pharma/Government has provided to settle this may be had from the fact that not one long-term study on vaccine ‘fallout’ exists.
3) The deficiency of artificial immune stimulation is further highlighted by the need in some cases for booster shots, for which natural immunity has no need.
Should we be humbled, even driven to tears, by the sheer beauty and complexity of this creation, but a fraction of what goes on in living systems every moment? I sometimes think, many miracles must go ignored or unrecognized to arrive at a place of indifference or abuse via way of life.
The reader with insatiable curiosity about what is called, “A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology”, is invited to explore this free, faithfully reproduced, online volume Béchamp or Pasteur? by E. (Ethel) Douglas Hume (1923 – beware volumes authored by “Douglas Hume”). It’s a masterful work about the long struggle between the two over the nature of infectious disease, drawn from the annals of the French Academy of Science. It’s wonderfully prefaced by a ‘summary’ of Hume’s work called Pasteur: Plagiarist, Impostor: The Germ Theory Exploded, by R.B. Pearson (1942). Excellent for the reader short of time.
A general search for ‘Béchamp’ will turn up some results, from the protectors of profit and perpetuators of illness, calling him a “crank.”
Peter Tocci is a retired massage therapist and wellness consultant with an abiding interest in exploring ‘managed’ history, nefarious covert agendas, and mainstream/mainstream-alternative news-media dereliction, distortion and suppression. He can be reached at peter_gt@geminipress.com
© 2020, Peter G Tocci
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