Why 5G Is Like the Worst Relationship You Ever Had, (And So Are Smart Meters)
There is a saying that every woman should be lucky enough have one man in her life that she still reminisces about, and one man that she is grateful she did not end up with….or something like that.
(there’s no water leak….there’s no water leak….there’s no water leak)
In addition to security, privacy, cost, aesthetics, and other myriad concerns about the rollout of 5G and other wireless infrastructure, let’s just get right down to it:
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For many, the 5G network, and smart meters, are like the worst, most instinct injured, least insightful, and least satisfying partnership choice that any man or woman on the planet has ever experienced.
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In the quest for a business case for new, expensive, ubiquitous, superfast, resource-consuming 5G networks, the industry is talking about the remote surgeries, virtual reality, data-driven decision making, and autonomous vehicles that we all want.
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In reality, we are already way over the creepy line of the watchers and the watched.
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It is time for a reality check.
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Let’s talk about remote surgery.
Because dogs and cats and horses and hamsters can’t explain what hurts, or what happened to their paw that is making them limp, veterinarians have to be much more intuitive and insightful about their patients than doctors treating humans who can verbalize their concerns.
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When you take a sick animal to the vet, the doctor will lift the animal’s fur to see how well hydrated the animal is. Veterinarians recognized the importance of stabilizing and hydrating patients for better surgical outcomes much earlier than physicians with their human patients.
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Surgery, like relationships, should not be rushed…most of the time.
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The idea that we need 5G because we need remote surgery means that someone at a distance will be overseeing an operation taking place elsewhere, ostensibly by someone with less experience? Raise your hand if you want to volunteer for that kind of experiment, especially if you have ever experienced an electrical outage or a bad phone connection.
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When my dentist was removing my wisdom teeth, we had a power failure. It was ugly, and it took hours.
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How much remote surgery is likely or advisable?
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Surgical medicine itself is falling out of favor with a significant portion of the population that is choosing non-drug and non-surgical medicine, for example, through lifestyle decision, chiropractic care, acupuncture, osteopathic medicine, Ayurveda, massage, homeopathy, and other complementary medicine practices.
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Making peace with death itself, for ourselves and others, and recognizing that we may not be able to be on the phone with someone who is suddenly and unexpectedly facing death, is one spiritual journey not being promoted in the consumer society or by the telecommunications industry.
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Instead, each mass shooting promotes another growth industry based on fear.
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Source: https://www.agfinancial.org/blog/creating-active-shooter-policy-church/
Many spiritual practices offer other tools for sanctifying the boundary crossings of emerging life and death, devoid of technology and Instagram, but rich with presence and grace.
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Developing a healthy understanding of what is within one’s control and what one needs to control is an area of spiritual discernment buried under the clamor of the current tech culture.
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As society careens toward the belief that each individual appliance has to be controlled at a distance, even from a moving car or airplane, is human demand for control, camouflaged as convenience, writing checks that nature cannot cash?
The answer is yes.
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Emergency surgical medicine has its roots in warfare, which is also falling out of favor with a portion of the population.
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There may always be a need for surgery for some.
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But if the scientists warning us about 5G are correct, we will need a lot more surgery and a lot more medicine if we continue to deploy more powerful, faster wireless infrastructure, for example, more surgery for more brain tumors and other cancers.
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Rather than rolling out 5G, we could roll back the clock and do some basic pre-market safety testing, and investigation of reports of health damages by independent researchers for those already injured by wireless exposures.
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Despite growing evidence that radio frequency exposure is carcinogenic to humans, Verizon, which throttled first responders during the CA wildfires, is implying that 5G will help cure cancer.
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Source: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/43j5q9/verizon-claims-5g-will-help-fight-cancer-experts-say-thats-not-likely
Let’s talk about virtual reality.
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On June 14, Fierce Wireless reported “Telefónica to launch ‘5G experience’ in banks in Spain” including virtual reality.
The network will support 4K video conferencing between the two bank offices in Alcobendas, supporting 4096 x 2160 resolution and 30 frames per second. The network will also support a low latency cloud storage solution that’s based on the Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere Edge solution embedded on Telefónica’s edge computing infrastructure.
The final use case involves virtual reality. The service enables customers to “remotely visit” co-working spaces such as the Santander Work Cafe located at the Santander banking office in the center of Madrid, using virtual reality, 360-degree video and edge computing.
The project is the first 5G deployment in the banking sector in Europe. Banking applications could emerge as an early use case for 5G networks. Despite the hype around rolling out 5G networks, operators around the world have been hard pressed to find monetizable use cases for the technology.”
Earlier this month, Vodafone and Ericsson held an unusual “gaming mobility” demo that involved roaming on 5G networks across the border between Spain and Portugal.
Source: https://www.fiercewireless.com/5g/telefonica-to-launch-5g-experience-banks-spain
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The fatal error that is underlying the design of smart meters and 5G is the assumption that customers want a more intimate and immediate real-time relationship 24/7 with their utility or their bank, want to play games, or compete against other utility customers, or have their banking experience re-made so it looks like a coffee shop. There is an assumption that customers want to pay for all of this, one way or another.
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At least some portion of customers do not want any of this, and want healthy boundaries between intimate relationships with real people and real organizations that they have an affinity with vs. intimate relationships that they do not want, for example with their utility company.
(there’s no water leak….there’s no water leak….there’s no water leak)
Moreover, some portion of customers do not want their electricity rates to be increased to pay for infrastructure that they do not want or need, nor do they want customers who cannot afford to pay for all the bells and whistles to be burdened by excessive out-of control social engineering that claims to be green and clean when it is actually corrupted and based on fraud and racketeering, and does not conserve resources or energy.
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Nor do all customers agree to destroying the health and safety of vulnerable populations, because most people are not psychopaths.
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Do most sports fans want to watch real players playing real sports, or witness sports as virtual reality? Did anyone ask any sports fans? Or athletes?
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Virtual reality essentially tricks the brain into experiencing something that is not real, by causing the body to experience sensory inputs that do not correspond to reality.
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There are those who think that the entire natural electromagnetic spectrum should be altered in order to support this consumer demand for a virtual experience, including gaming…. even if the demand for VR destroys the actual reality of the nature environment. For example, bees, and trees. And healthy human offspring.
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There are many living on the planet who do not want this VR grid, including those who are well informed about the impact of microwave radiation and millimeter waves on health and the environment.
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There is a portion of the population seeking skillsets that enable the individual to be grounded, centered, relaxed, and energized, in the present moment, with an integrated and balanced brain. This is exemplified n the explosive growth of yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and other mind-body practices.
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Let’s talk about data-driven decision making
Speaking of what we can and cannot control, a healthy individuated partner does not demand constant assurance and constant presence.
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There is no need whatsoever for a gas or water or electric meter to consume resources or energy sending and receiving a constant steam of data about whether or not there is a water leak or other problem. The system could be engineered to send an alarm message only when there is an issue, through a hard-wired communications network that does not pollute the airwaves.
(there’s no water leak….there’s no water leak….there’s no water leak)
And my personal favorite – all those hidden extra billions of transmissions that the smart meter network has to send to maintain the integrity of the network, while the utility claims that the meters only transmit every 15 minutes when it is actually thousands of times per day. [1]
(there’s no water leak….there’s no water leak….there’s no water leak)
Source: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/pges-big-confession/
All day and all night, on empty houses and schools and businesses, on houses where everyone is asleep, all these meters are transmitting data, so that those companies that want to be compensated into eternity for the software to analyze and store the data have the data.
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In truth, transmissions are only needed when there is a problem, for example, when there is a fire, and if there was even a shred of truth to the claim that wireless meters have anything to do with clean energy, or energy efficiency, or conservation, utilities would have been sent packing when they started claiming that “the meters will give customers more control over their energy use.”
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In fact, the data collected by the meters themselves can be spun to whatever narrative is desired by those with the data. It is already happening.
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Let’s talk about autonomous vehicles, and flying taxis.
Some portion of the population likes to drive. Some portion of the population that doesn’t like to drive is happy to support employment for those that like to drive, or to use public transportation, or to walk or ride a bike. Some portion of the population believes that flying in autonomous vehicles will be an energy-intensive endeavor that is unsustainable.
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Let’s get real
There is no need for the billions and billions of data transmissions blanketing the airwaves at faster and faster speeds.
5G and smart meters are not for “us,” and they are not being installed to meet consumer demand.
Otherwise, there would be no need to punish customers who refuse smart meters with punitive fees, or to override local zoning to force communities to accept new 5G “small cell” infrastructure that is not small.
It is a tragedy when a home or a library or a business gets flooded from a broken pipe. But we do not need billions and billions of meters transmitting data wirelessly to assure us that there is no water leak. We only need to transmit a message when there is a leak, first and foremost to the property owner only.
We do not need to create time-of-use billing schemes for all customers so that some customers can have electric vehicles or solar rooftops.
The smart meter and 5G paradigms are predatory. The use of excessive force sounds an alarm in an informed society. Despite all of the recent innovations in ubiquitous communication, we are in the dark about pending danger.
The 5G network will serve the wealthiest investor’s surveillance of every farm and family and the planet, with smartphone and network costs that will be out of reach for everyday citizens increasingly losing their jobs to automation. The 5G network will continue to concentrate wealth at the expense of everyone and everything else.
The engineers behind the claims that these technologies are safe, along with the lawyers at the FCC, the politicians, and the bankers crunching their numbers will control this narrative for as long as they are enabled, by those consumers continuing to purchase wireless devices.
If 5G were actually about digital access, we would have started laying fiber in underserved areas rather than centers of power and commerce.
Data is not a panacea. Wirelessly, it is as polluting and corrupted as plastic and fossil fuels. Internet access and digital literacy can be safe, secure, accessible, and wired. Not wireless. Schools. Hospitals, prisons, parks, homes, all of it….
Postscript: To clarify, wireless water meters do not actually send a message every microsecond announcing that: “there is no water leak.”
Water meters and gas meters and electric meters send packets of data in real-time that report how much water or electricity is being used every moment of the minute, hour, day, night, week, month, year, decade and lifespan. The data is increasingly being interpreted to record when the laundry or dishwasher was run or the toilet was flushed. In some new construction, every faucet is sub-metered with its own transmitter.
The analysis of the data provides the assurance that there are no water leaks – to a public servant who looks at a screen.
Technocrats have promoted smart meters for their ability to detect “non-revenue water” and for conservation, without explaining plans for time-of-use billing, surveillance and punitive price structures.[2] The consumption of energy and resources to run the networks and the air-conditioned data storage facilities, which are energy hogs, is largely ignored.
Communities are paying for the infrastructure, the analysis of the data, and the storage of the data, which is increasingly automated.
Rather than addressing very real problems such as lead in drinking water in communities like Flint, Michigan, community resources and taxes have been poured into a citizen surveillance system masquerading as sustainability, by corporations incentivized to serve investor interests.
Rather than investing in upkeep, maintenance, replacement and repair of bridges, roads, and water pipes, decision-makers are steering choices in favor of projects with a return on investment, regardless of the true costs.
In addition, rather than recognizing the real problems of radiation illness, neurological damage, reproductive harm, environmental stress, and the microwave auditory effect,[3] the data scientists and engineers continue to measure the output of a single device in a laboratory setting against an outdated theoretical thermal standard.
The data scientists addicted to the sense of control enabled by data manipulation are deciding what kind of data is of value, and its kilowatts. Even if the electric grid is polluted by high voltage transients that shorten the lifespan of equipment while destroying health, LED lights and variable speed motors and transmitting appliances are the new normal. “Energy efficiency” is the justification for even more appliances in landfills.
“Smart” is the new unsafe, unsustainable, ineffective and very expensive assault on reason and human rights.
The industry argument is that physiological changes caused by exposure to microwave radiation, including heart rate alterations, changes in blood, hormonal changes, and penetration of the skin by millimeter waves are not indicative of diseases, despite massive increases in chronic illness across the age span.
We are enabling our devices to hijack our physiology. Wise communities are questioning what it means to be “smart,” and recognizing that 5G is getting us nowhere, fast.
This solstice season, if we really want to partner with nature, we have to rewild ourselves, and rewire and hardwire our world.
“All things on earth require the light of the sun. Even those things that need the safe sheltering of darkness are nourished by things that rise toward heat and light. We can care for the parts that need gestation, and allow these things to rest in the shade, sleep in the night, or burrow in deep earth. We can shine a light of gentleness or challenge upon those things that have stayed in darkness for too long.” – T. Thorn Coyle, “A Solstice Prayer: Let us Shine Light”
[1] http://emfsafetynetwork.org/pges-big-confession/
[2]Can Surge Pricing Cut Energy Use at Home?
California will be the first state where utilities charge more for power used during peak hours.
[3] https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/the-work-of-allan-h-frey/
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