Invitation to 90-Day Lifestyle Upgrade!
By Neenah Payne
Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider.
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Jeffrey Smith’s life-changing film Secret Ingredients is free online now until May 22.
Free Film “Secret Ingredients” May 15! explains why the film is so important for everyone.
You can see the film at:
The site offers you a rare opportunity to participate in a powerful 90-Day Lifestyle Upgrade!
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Two Shocking Organixx Podcasts
Jeffrey Smith was interviewed in the following two shocking Organixx podcasts:
Jeffrey is the founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Responsible Technology. Masters of Health Magazine named Jeffrey the 2017 Person of the Year for more than two decades of work in 45 countries exposing how biotech companies mislead policymakers and the public and put the health of society at risk.
Jeffrey has counseled government leaders and healthcare practitioners from every continent. He has been quoted by thousands of news outlets including The New York Times, the Washington Post, and Time Magazine. He appears on influential radio and television programs, including the BBC, NPR, Fox News, Democracy Now, The Doctors, and the Dr. Oz Show.
Jeffrey is the author of Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating. His DVD Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives was awarded the 2012 Movie of the Year, and inspired millions to choose healthier non-GMO foods. Jeffrey is the author of the 2017 book Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods.
Jeffrey’s film Secret Ingredients is available on Amazon Prime for rent and purchase.
People Often Heal Very Fast on an Organic Diet!
In the podcasts, Jeffrey explains that people are shocked to learn how QUICKLY so many people have been able to get better from very serious illness JUST by switching to organic foods! Viewers of the film become inspired to change their own lives – but sometimes don’t know what steps to take.
So, below the film is a link that invites you to do the 90-Day Lifestyle Upgrade. Jeffrey explained that a growing number of doctors are now prescribing organic diets for their patients. We are going through a Paradigm Shift that is not being reported in the corporate media. However, organic food is the fastest-growing segment of the food industry as more and more people choose health.
The 2017 USA Today article “Organic food is pricier, but shoppers crave it reports”:
After an 8.4% sales increase from the previous year and Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods for $13.7 billion, it looks like organic food is growing into a normal part of American life. Organic food sales are setting records as more mainstream Americans fill their shopping carts with everything from eggs to gummy fruit snacks…organic food is among the faster-growing categories in supermarkets…Organic food producers, which now includes giants such as General Mills, are capturing more consumers.
Help Create a Non-GMO Organic World
See the exciting introductory video with Jeffrey at:
The Secret Ingredients film shows that GMO foods are making people sick. It explains that there is a direct correlation between the introduction of GMO foods in the 1990s and the sudden epidemic of chronic illnesses in children and adults.
Jeffrey explains in the Organixx podcasts that our food supply and health are increasingly at risk now because of the spread of GMO crops. Once a plant is genetically-modified, it cannot be reversed.
Jeffrey says in his video introduction that his goal is to create a Non-GMO Organic World!
You can join the 90-Day Lifestyle Upgrade and help spread the word! The 90-Day Lifestyle Upgrade is a rare opportunity to help yourself, your family, friends, and co-workers learn easy ways to make a huge upgrade in health. People often feel powerless, that there is little they can do to help make the world a better place. Doing the Lifestyle Upgrade is an easy way to be part of the solution now! You can empower yourself and others – just as people shown on the film have done. Imagine a more disease-free life for yourself and for those you love. Each person who chooses organic foods now helps support organic farmers. That makes organic foods more available and lowers the price so more people can afford them. You can help fuel this positive cycle to solve this growing national health epidemic now.
Discount Until May 25
The 90-Day Lifestyle Upgrade includes the GMO Summit that Jeffrey co-produced with John and Ocean Robbins and the 2019 Food Revolution Empowerment Package and is available at a discount for a limited time.
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