World’s Leading Authority on Aluminum Toxicity Has GoFundMe To Study Aluminum In Vaccines Shut Down
By Arjun Walia
- The Facts: Dr. Chris Exley is a Professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry and the world’s leading expert in aluminum toxicology. He was recently denied by scientific authorities the funding to study aluminum in vaccines. His GoFundMe campaign was also taken down.
- Reflect On: Why don’t our federal health regulatory agencies conduct a study showing that it’s safe to inject aluminum into babies and adults?
Dr. Chris Exley is a Professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry at Keele University and an Honorary Professor at the UHI Millennium Institute. He is a biologist with a PhD in the ecotoxicology of aluminum, and his research from 1984 until present has focused on an intriguing paradox: “How come the third most abundant element of the Earth’s crust (aluminum) is non-essential and largely inimical to life?” He goes on to explain how investigating this mystery has “required research in myriad fields from the basic inorganic chemistry of the reaction of aluminium and silicon to the potentially complex biological availability of aluminium in humans.” He also explains in his bio how he is “fascinated by the element silicon in relation to living things which, as the second most abundant element of the Earth’s crust, is also almost devoid of biological function. One possible function of silicon is to keep aluminium out of biology (biota) and this forms a large part of the research in our group. We are also interested in biological silicification.” (source)
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We now know that aluminum has no place in the human body. It doesn’t take a genius to know that aluminum, thanks to the work of Exley and many others, wreaks havoc on any biological system. It’s great stuff to make cars and airplanes out of, sure, but it clearly does not belong inside of the human body in any amount, as it’s extremely toxic and represents one of the most dangerous and neurotoxic substances known to man. Here’s a great little video from Dr. Christopher Shaw from UBC in Canada explaining that.
You can view a list of Exley’s publications HERE.
Exley recently started a GoFundMe to raise money to study aluminum in vaccines. Despite the fact that aluminum has been added into vaccines as the adjuvant to provoke an immune response, it’s never been evaluated for safety. You would think that our federal health regulatory agencies would conduct appropriate safety studies for all vaccine ingredients, but this isn’t the case, yet vaccines are marketed as completely safe for everybody.
His campaign was started after his appeal to scientific authorities for funding was rejected. Why would a study to evaluate aluminum in vaccines and the effect it has on the human body and little infants be shut down? Would a study like this not be in the best interests of humanity and human health? Why is science being shut down? Don’t we want to discover more?
Virtually every study that comes out claiming that vaccines are safe does not take into account human exposure to several vaccine ingredients and their bioaccumulation, meaning where they end up in the body and what they are doing. Conducting studies could put this issue to rest, and the hypothesis that must be tested is quite simple: ‘No aluminium in an infant’s brain results in no autism.’
The British academic was recently blocked from raising funds, apparently after “protests by other scientists.” (source) Robert F Kennedy Jr. made a great post regarding the recent blockage on his social media platforms, which is how I first became aware of it.
“He who stifles free discussion secretly doubts what he professes to believe in is really true.” — Wendel Phillips. GoFundMe today shut down Dr. Christopher Exley’s crowd funding campaign to study aluminum in vaccines. Dr. Exley, the world’s leading authority on aluminum toxicity angered the Pharma Cartel when his autopsies discovered astronomically high aluminum concentrations in the brains of children with autism. His other studies link aluminum in Merck’s Gardasil and other vaccines to dementia, Alzheimer’s and autism. Exley joins a long list of scientists silenced for questioning the Vaccine Orthodoxy. While White House Republicans censor climate science at the EPA, congressional Democrats clamor for censorship of vaccine science. It’s strange, to me, that these politicians don’t understand that censorship is incompatible with democracy. Given purchase, censorship will spread virally until it infects and kills democracy. SCOTUS Justice Potter Stewart called censorship “the hallmark of an authoritarian regime.” Heinrich Heine’s observed, “Where they have burned books, they will, in the end, burn human beings.” (source)
You Can Still Donate
Link to Keele University Donation Page.
Why It’s Quite Clear Exley’s Research is Much Needed
A study published in 2011 makes the issue quite clear:
Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science’s understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted. Experimental research, however, clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. (source)
The key takeaway there is “medical science’s understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor.”
After this study, more research came out to help us better understand what happens when aluminum is injected into the body. It has been found that injected aluminum does not exit the body; in fact, it stays in the body and travels to various organs in the brain, where it remains. This isn’t surprising since it’s the adjuvant, it’s designed to stay there or else the vaccine doesn’t work.
As the groundbreaking study in 2015 emphasized:
Evidence that aluminum-coated particles phagocytozed in the injected muscle and its draining lymph notes can disseminate within phagocytes throughout the body and slowly accumulate in the brain further suggests that alum safety should be evaluated in the long term.
Furthermore, in 2018, a paper published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry found that almost 100 percent of the intramuscularly injected aluminum in mice as vaccine adjuvants was absorbed into the systemic circulation and traveled to different sites in the body such as the brain, the joints, and the spleen, where it accumulated and was retained for years post-vaccination. (source)
Exley has been interviewed multiple times about this subject, and all of these studies and his research point to the same findings: Aluminum in vaccines does not exit the body, and it has been linked to multiple diseases, which can develop immediately post-injection or up to decades later in life for certain neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
A study by Exley and his team published in 2018 should have made headlines everywhere, as it discovered historically high amounts of aluminum in autistic brains. The study was conducted by some of the world’s leading scientists in the field. Five people were used in the study, four males and one female, all between the ages of 14 and 50. Each of their brains contained unsafe and high amounts of aluminum compared to patients with other diseases where high brain aluminum content is common like Alzheimer’s disease.
As you can see, there is more than enough evidence that clearly warrants further investigation into aluminum in vaccines. Why are these efforts constantly getting shut down? Why is there no funding? Why don’t our federal health regulatory agencies study aluminum in vaccines if it’s ‘completely safe’? Why not just do the study and debunk those who say it’s not? What’s going on here?
You can listen to long and detailed information shared by Exley the interview below, posted by Keele University, conducted by Del Bigtree.
CE Founder Joe Martino & myself recently sat down for an episode on CETV, a platform we created to combat internet censorship and help us stay alive and able to put out the information that we do. We discussed the MMR vaccine specifically with regards to all of the mandatory vaccination initiatives that are happening right now.
The Takeaway
Why are further efforts to study aluminum being blocked? Regardless of the hurdles these scientists are going through and the resistance they face, in a real scientific community, studies on this would be welcomed. That being said, there is more than enough information on aluminum in vaccines to justify not vaccinating yourself and your child with aluminum-containing vaccines.
Arjun Walia –