A Quantum Tide Lifts All Boats
By Zen Gardner
What strange times. We’re in a tight place right now, but it is what it is. The information field is so toxic with triggered egos, paid and unpaid trolls, agencies and AI, it’s nasty to have anything to do with. But we still have to use whatever means of communication we have as long as we can.
As far as understanding the “why”, as I currently see it, much of what we witness is simply Individuals working out their own stuff in the grand scheme of things. It’s essentially nothing to get too worked up about. No matter which end of the digital pitchfork we find ourselves in this mob mentality dominating the cybersphere. A very sad current state, but it will pass.
When the realization that everyone is simply working out their own path fully hits, the weapons will be dropped in dumbfounded amazement. However, much of what unreconciled souls say and do boils over onto others which is where push comes to shove, hence the information battle today and the source of the conflicts we witness. How we respond and what perspective and wavelength we adopt needs careful monitoring.
I do find it ironic though, how many of those supposedly fighting for truth still energetically feed the very thing they think they oppose. That’s a game played on humanity for eons and a great learning tool as well, if we can step back to see it for what it is. It’s an important hurdle to overcome, but that is happening as well as I see it.
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That Rising Tide
It may not seem like it with all the insanity around us, but people are seriously waking up. Others are just plain shook up and having major life crises, as are most of us, but that’s good too. A massive shift is upon us that is increasing by the day and how we respond is up to us.
Whether people like it or not it’s happening. Our overall consciousness is rising despite it all, even if some have a reverse response. So many are increasingly aware, not just to the truth that we’re in an engineered society from within a plethora of world views, but a central point of debate and inquiry is regarding the very nature of reality. Just listen to the language of today and the topics being covered as opposed to just a few years ago when it began to kick in. It’s happening across every strata of society. True pioneering science and new ancient archeological and hidden historical facts continually coming to light tell the same story.
The wild thing is, the energetic tide is elevating universally, so those only observing from that plane can’t even see it as the deck lifts, unconsciously defaulting to a form of collective normalcy bias for perspective. How can they tell the sea rose without perspective? The more awake and aware can observe this phenomenon more objectively, being able to calibrate from a removed awareness, if that makes sense. It’s fabulous to realize.
It’s still a challenge to fully identify this phenomenon as old markers and points of reference vanish before us. It’s very wild indeed but we need to simply keep letting go. It’s similar to the fact that we’re careening through the universe but don’t even notice how everything is shifting all the time. We might notice how the planets in our solar system move and influence us, but that next level that all is changing its location as we circle the galactic core is also transpiring, which we’re generally unaware of.
And where is all that moving? And what energies are we experiencing? On it unfolds in continual change, the basic state of the universe. But that’s just the external. We have hardly any idea what else is going on in the unseen realms, just glimpses and occasional insights. And that world is becoming exponentially more known by the day. An amazing time to be here.
Massive Change Is Upon Us
The enigmatic nature of this ongoing shift on so many levels might be freaking some people out but this is what turns so many of us on. We can call it the lifting of the veil, the apocalypse or revelation, timeline and dimensional shifting, consciousness rising, or what I call it briefly sometimes to explain those feelings we get, it’s just plain slippage in relation to whatever frame of reference we had, sometimes moments ago. Something fantastic is happening.
I don’t know about a critical mass or hundredth monkey effect saving the planet, it is a factor and no doubt happening on some level. The idea that worlds are somehow splitting in some way resonates with me, but that may appear elusive and escapist to some. Consider it an inter dimensional metaphor if you like. Applying these and other ideas about our many levels of growing awareness can be challenging, but something profound is going on and nothing can be excluded from possibility. It’s no doubt a combination of amazing phenomena and we’re in the thick of it.
The base point in all this remains the same – it’s all about personal transformation, first and foremost. Nothing in the external really matters in that fundamental regard but we do of course learn from it. It is a reflection or mirror of the collective to some extent, but with so much on the lower levels being artificially engineered I don’t give that level much weight. It’s just another illusion and point of observation and needs to be kept in perspective. It’s nice to see things change externally, but I’m not holding my breath nor is it my business. I just do my part. Our full on personal transformation comes first, that’s my focus. Realms of discovery and awakening await all of us that dwarf all we’ve learned and realized so far that have vast consequences.
The contrast we’re experiencing in this dimension is similarly engineered by a much higher or all pervading natural creative power for our development and growth. Just as time helps us measure our experience so as to not have everything happen all at once where we wouldn’t experience the depth of this opportunity. Just as other seeming restrictions or natural and even artificial limitations, they all help us. I think it’s important to remember that.
Create, Don’t Berate
In my opinion, one of the biggest hurdles people are facing is having a negative orientation to all of this. And it’s very understandable. We’ve all seen the pitfalls of being overly dark and conspiratorial, fixating on the less savory elements of this playing field. It’s just one of the hurdles on our path, however daunting. Seeing past that into the bigger picture and the beauty of each sovereign soul at whatever stage of development they are at is so wonderfully encouraging and inspiring, in stark contrast to the more negative and judgmental mindset.
Seeing through the illusory matrix doesn’t make anyone better than another. In fact, the hallmark of wisdom is humility, knowing how little we really know and respecting that growth in others. That, and a sense of humor where we don’t take ourselves and the world around us so damn seriously. When the false bookends of birth and death are kicked out and we see our experience as a continuum in the great ongoing creative process we gain amazing clarity and peace of mind and heart.
Somehow we need to get back to our natural playful spontaneity without fear and wrong self consciousness, as opposed to self awareness. We sense that is our lost paradise within but clearly it’s accessible even if only in brief spurts for now as we continue to emerge. But emerge we will.
There Is No Doomsday – Whatever Happens
Sure we live in potentially cataclysmic times. Haven’t we always? Isn’t so-called death at everyone’s door continually? Hasn’t the planet recycled periodically? And yes, technology and mad scientism are at an all time zenith, but does that really change the fundamentals? Death is our friend, like time, just as contrast and our bodies and circumstance are, with all their challenges.
A doomsday mentality is crippling, as programmed and reinforced by the controlled religious teachings, scientism and the media, but we don’t need to fall for it. Many long term preppers and researchers have woken up to the fact that they simply weren’t happy nor fully living life in that negative bunker mindset and just set out to live their passions. I think there’s no better medicine for ourselves and the planet than that. Creating and exuding inspiring truth, goodness and beauty are what the world, and each of us, needs, and have a much more vast effect than we can realize.
Some will say that is irresponsible. Sure, good and real information that tracks the external has its place. True information activism definitely plays a very important role and has been essential. Let’s just check the orientation and vibration of our sources, and most of all our own reactivity and emotional and spiritual state, and keep a healthy balance. This is nothing new to many folks who’ve passed through that dark gauntlet, but again this is simply growth and the true evolution of our souls.
Belief Systems Ain’t What They Used to Be – But They’re Still Attachments
We’ve all shifted through many paradigms, thinking the next one was “it”, only to find that new one wasn’t “it” either as we kept awakening. It reminds me of the saying, “Don’t follow spiritual leaders, seek what they were seeking.” We can’t condemn ourselves for falling for the next thing either, which usually coagulates into a new belief system in whatever new garments they take on. That’s just part of our learning process. Breaking free is continual. There is no one time awakening, but dogmatic belief systems of any sort are clearly obstacles to be overcome, and they’re not always obvious. The attaching false ego makes sure to disguise that to reinforce itself. It’s not an easy field of learning here but we’re up to it.
Many personal awakenings are much more profound than others, but we can’t settle down in some new paradigm. As the close out sale sign says, “Everything must go!” That’s a daily if not hourly and even continual challenge, and requires cheerful acceptance. That’s where taking things too seriously is a good yardstick to measure our spiritual health. That doesn’t mean to be flippant at all, just healthily detached at all times to the best of our abilities with an open willingness to keep learning and changing, and allowing the same in others. All while still being involved in life. Quite the paradox, but here we are.
That black/white, good/evil, right/wrong dualistic polarization we’ve been fed and entrained with can either help us simply learn and discern at a practical level, or seriously derail our consciousness. Judgementalism and unloving intolerance feed off of this shallow misconception. We’ve all done it and fallen for it. It’s that tricky wrong ego feeding and defending itself again, a sort of implanted survival technique giving us the wrong idea that we’re somehow above or better than others when we judge and fight for our space.
It causes separation. As we’ve all heard and is profoundly true, experiencing and knowing the Oneness of all things is paramount to our conscious awareness. This however flies in the face of everything we’ve been taught or is reinforced in this external societal matrix. Divide and conquer is a way deeper dynamic than just some political ploy for control. It’s a spiritual struggle to help us find our authenticity. Again, it all works for good.
Just Keep Going
Anyway, some thoughts from the hermitage. The best advice I could give anyone is to keep going. It’s all for good and growth and things do sort out over time, even the most devastating and challenging of life experiences.
But if not, that’s good too. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s working out and appears to take forever.
Just hang in there and keep going. It always sorts out no matter how long it takes.
The wind’s at our back. Go with it. And just keep plodding along. We’re already there simply by keeping on in awareness. As someone wisely said, “We can’t get it wrong and it’s never done”.
We have eternity – it’s “time” to get used to it. We’re just in the thick of a very intense experience, by design. That overview helps us see clearly. We’re all simply learning and evolving.
Let’s enjoy it as best we can, and remember to stay loving, and keep rising.
We’re all in the same boat. And it’s rising with a majestic quantum tide. A unique opportunity in human history. Let’s make the best of it.
All the best, Zen
Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are The Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on Amazon.com.
This article was sourced from Waking Times