How to Stay Healthy on a Road Trip
Who doesn’t love a good road trip? It gives you the flexibility to see everything you’d like to on your own timetable. It’s also one of the more affordable ways to travel. There are hundreds of options for exciting road trips no matter where you live.
A good road trip takes careful planning and preparation. First off, pack all the right gear for a safe and fun trip, including phone charger adapters, an emergency kit, a spare key, and warm clothing. You should also go through proper maintenance to ensure your vehicle is ready for the road.
Next, consider what you’ll eat and how you’ll stay healthy on the way. All that time in the car can be bad for your diet, since you can spend hours munching on unhealthy snacks. Not only will you gain weight, but you’ll feel more sluggish and your body will crave a healthier alternative. If you’ve been successfully losing weight, a poorly-planned road trip can send all your hard work down the drain.
You don’t have to let your health plummet just because you’re taking a vacation. Apply some of these tried and true tactics for a healthy road trip.
Bring an Insulated Cooler for Fruits and Veggies
Most road trippers make excuses for not packing fruits and vegetables, the biggest of which is that they’ll likely go bad because they’re not properly refrigerated.
An insulated cooler solves that problem. Package pre-washed fruits and vegetables into snack-size baggies so they’re easily accessible when you get hungry. Half the battle of eating healthy is making it convenient, so a little pre-planning can make all the difference.
This cooler can also be used to package other healthy foods. For example, you could bring the makings for a turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables for lunch. This will help you save money while decreasing the amount of fast food you consume.
Sit Down to Eat Instead of Fast Food
On most road trips, eating out is inevitable. It’s not easy to pre-pack all of your meals, and it’s part of the fun to stop at delicious eateries along the way. When you do this, try to avoid fast food and sit down at a restaurant instead.
Sitting down will help you achieve your health goals in multiple ways. First of all, it encourages more mindful eating. While you’re waiting to order, you can remind yourself to order a salad instead of fries. It also makes it easier to order healthy food. You can’t eat a salad or grilled chicken breast and steamed vegetables while on the road, but you can when sitting down at a restaurant.
Most people choose to eat fast food rather than sitting down because it’s the best way to avoid inconveniencing your schedule. You can avoid this by scheduling time into your road trip to eat along the way.
Avoid Convenience Stores
You’ll have to stop for gas several times on your road trip, but you don’t have to go inside the store. Simply purchase your gas and move on. If you go inside, you’ll be tempted by all the sugary and fatty goodies lining the shelves, but if you stay away, it’s easier to keep your resolve to eat healthy.
Most people go inside convenience stores to use the restroom. Try to avoid this as well, looking for rest stops rather than gas stations to do your business. You might go inside a store with the intention of only using the bathroom, but more often than not, you’ll give in to temptation and buy something you don’t need.
Move When You Can
Movement is just as important as eating right. Spending hours behind the wheel freezes up your muscles and can be hard on your back and neck. Too much sitting is bad for your health, and over time, this can contribute to significant health and weight problems.
Every time you stop, whether for food, gas, or sight-seeing, move around. Do a few jumping jacks, walk circles around your car, or park farther away from your destination to force movement.
Try stretching when you get out of the car as well. Staying limber will prevent potential injuries and encourage further movement while driving. You can also try exercises behind the wheel or in the passenger seat.
Your health is important at all times, even when you’re on the road. With these tips, you can avoid slacking off with your health, despite being in vacation mode.