What’s the Difference Between CBD Derived from Hemp and Cannabis?
CBD oil has been making a splash on the news recently because of its increasing number of health benefits that are being discovered.
From treating epileptic seizures to alleviating nausea, many people are finding relief from the use of CBD oil whatever their particular ailment may be. But there’s plenty of controversy surrounding the purchase and use of CBD oil because of the stigma that still surrounds cannabis plants.
The reason for such controversy is the association between CBD oil and recreational marijuana, that is still federally illegal and illegal in most states across the U.S. Although the number of states that are legalizing the use of recreational or medical marijuana continues to grow, it’s association with psychoactive effects is what has many people debating.
However, there isn’t just one type of CBD. In fact, there are two sources for CBD oil and other types of cannabidiol products: hemp and marijuana. But what’s the difference between the two cannabis plants and why does that matter?
A Matter of Legality: THC Levels
While both plants are members of the cannabis plant family, their main difference lies in their tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. Marijuana plants typically feature a high THC concentration , anywhere between 3% to 15%. It is the THC that gives users its associated “high.” On the other hand, hemp has very little-if any-THC, at less than 1%.
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Because of this difference in THC levels, hemp and marijuana are perceived very differently under the law. Since marijuana has a high THC content, it is federally illegal to purchase and consume for recreational purposes. In contrast, hemp’s very low THC levels make it legal under federal law. As long as hemp-derived CBD products fall below a 0.03% THC concentration adults can legally buy them.
How both plants are viewed and treated under the law has a direct impact on how CBD oil is perceived. Since hemp is legal, the CBD oil that is derived from it is legal. This is not the case with cannabis-derived CBD.
That said, some places across the nation may still do not allow for the sale of hemp-derived CBD. The reason for this is mainly the result of the mixed legal interpretations of how cannabis-derived and hemp-derived CBD differ from one another. Hemp-derived CBD is can be more accessible and be purchased from a variety places depending in which state you live.
CBD From Hemp vs Marijuana: Which Offers More Medical Benefits?
We’ve all heard many stories about medical marijuana and how it has been used to treat a number of ailments and symptoms of medical conditions. Marijuana-derived CBD is what is more commonly known to treat these ailments, especially in states that have legalized recreational use. This includes California, Colorado and Washington.
Cannabis-derived CBD provides a full-spectrum effect because it uses the entire cannabinoid profile of the plant, not just CBD. When all cannabinoids interact together with the human body, they create what’s known as an “entourage effect.” This boosts the medical effects of the extract.
But hemp-derived CBD can provide just as many benefits without the psychoactive effects that cannabis-derived CBD evokes. In fact, hemp-derived cannabidiol may be safer for specific people to take liked pregnant or nursing women, children and even pets. This is because of its very low THC content. Many people take hemp-derived CBD oil as a supplement to pharmaceutical medication because of its natural properties.
Proponents of hemp-derived CBD oil argue that CBD oil is not any less potent on a molecular level than cannabis-derived CBD once it’s been extracted. Further, they also argue that the “entourage effect” or the synergistic effect that comes from all the varieties of cannabinoid compounds being present in the oil when used, exists in CBD from hemp.
Hemp-derived CBD is very popular among those who want to experience its benefits, but are unable to legally obtain medical marijuana. It’s also popular among those who do not want to ingest high amounts of THC. The spread of hemp-derived CBD for purchase will inevitably help increase the odds of cannabis becoming legal at some point.
It is imperative that consumers do their research on the companies they are considering buying their CBD oil from. The more transparent manufacturers are about their products, the more information consumers will have at their disposal to make a more informed purchasing decision.
Both hemp-derived and cannabis-derived CBD oil certainly have their benefits that have already been clinically proven and continue to be studied for their efficacy in treating a variety of medical ailments. But the two differ most in terms of their THC content, and therefore their legal status. At the end of the day, determining which type of CBD oil to use will depend on why you are taking CBD, the results you desire, and what company you’re buying your CBD oil from.