12 Different Studies Exploring the Anti-Cancer Properties of CBD Oil
In 2016, the cannabis industry grew by 30 percent. But its relaxing properties are not the only reason for the interest in medical marijuana dispensary outlets across the US.
Research across the globe is all pointing to CBD oil as having high potential for fighting cancer on various levels. CBD is short for cannabidiol. CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant, but without the psychoactive element that the THC strain has. This means CBD does not give you the high that most people think of when they hear of cannabis. But what does CBD do and why is it being heralded as the new miracle cure?
Here are 12 studies that show why CBD oil could be the best discovery to happen during our generation.
1. CBD restrains angiogenesis by various mechanisms.
In this study, researchers found that CBD inhibits the growth of various tumors. Its effect on both tumor and endothelial cells supports the speculation that CBD is an effective agent for treating cancer.
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2. CBD generated anti-tumor activity in human breast carcinoma.
Researchers tested strains of cannabis to find what was the most effective in limiting cancer in breast carcinoma. CBD was found to be the most powerful inhibitor of cancer cells’ growth.
3. CBD causes cancer cell death in breast cancer cells.
In another study focusing on breast cancer, it was found that CBD induced the death of breast cancer cells. Researchers concluded that continued investigation was needed to benefit from CBD’s potential antineoplastic possibilities.
4. CBD inhibits cancer cell growth in the brain.
The British Journal of Cancer reported a study that showed how strains of cannabis inhibit brain tumor growth. The cannabis strains were found to decrease cancerous tumor cells in 2 of 9 patients.
5. CBD effective in treating pancreatic cancer.
A study was conducted to evaluate CBD’s effect on human pancreatic tumor cells. Researchers found that CBD induced apoptosis, reduced growth, and inhibited further spread of pancreatic tumor cells.
6. CBD toxic to malignant oral cancer.
CBD has been successfully tested on oral tumors that are considered malignant. Research concluded that CBD is a potent inhibiting agent of cellular respiration of malignant oral tumors.
7. CBD inhibits growth of blood cancer cells.
In a study published in Molecular Pharmacology, researchers found that CBD inhibited cancer cell growth. As well as caused blood cancer cell death in mantle cell lymphoma.
8. CBD causes cell death in leukemia cells.
The US National Library of Medicine published a study where it was determined that CBD induced cell death in leukemia cells.
9. CBD receptors cause a decrease in prostate cancer cells.
Cannabinoid receptors are found throughout our bodies and play a large and wide reaching role. They are delicately connected to the functioning of all our other bodily processes. Including sensory, neuroendocrine, and sensory systems. In this study, a decrease in prostate cancer cells was due to the body’s cannabinoid receptors.
10. CBD inhibits invasiveness of lung cancer cells.
In research conducted by the Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology in Germany, they found that CBD inhibits lung cancer cells. Tests were conducted on tumor cells taken from a lung cancer patient.
11. Cannabis strains effective in halting neurodegeneration.
The Journal of Neuroscience examined the progression of degenerative diseases of the brain. They found that cannabis strains reduced brain injury in rats. Which suggests that the human cannabinoid system is effective at protecting the brain from neural injury.
12. CBD effective in relieving pain in cancer patients.
A double blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled study was conducted to research the effectiveness of CBD on cancer pain. It was found that CBD was more effective than the THC extract at lessening strong pains that could not be relieved by prescription opioids.
Across all the studies mentioned above and many more, positive conclusions on the effectiveness and safety of CBD are being drawn by medical professionals. The needed qualities of an effective anti cancer remedy lie in its ability to halt the growth of cancer cells. Which is one of the reasons CBD has generated the interest it has.
What is also becoming clear is that the human endocannabinoid system plays a vital role in regulating tumor progression. Testing in lab settings has shown that CBD and other cannabis strains induce death in cancer cells and inhibit spread and growth of tumors. CBD also seems to enhance the anticancer activity in animal models. And it is being tested for its anticancer properties in phase 1 and 2 clinical studies.