How to Process Your Own Wheat Flour – Full Instructional 5 Minutes


make wheat flour

Natural Blaze via gregpryorhomestead

There’s nothing better in this world than pulling in the reigns of your food destiny. To have full control of your food from the ground up is a feeling most Americans don’t know.

To make wheat flour is a surprisingly simple process, which is great if you plan to have a homestead or grow your own grains. Or maybe you can obtain naked grains and wish to process your own wheat into an unrefined flour.

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Make wheat flour on your own and you oversee each and every step of the process to ensure the least processed form of storable food for cooking and baking.

Greg is an entertaining teacher of hobby homesteading – we’re sure you’ll love this instructional and learn a great skill for life!



Subscribe: gregpryorhomestead

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