Meteoropathy – Learn How to Deal With the Weather Changes
Meteoropathy refers to various reactions and symptoms in our body due to the weather changes. Weather factors that affect our body include air pressure, temperature, humidity, UV rays, the wind, thunder, rain, and ionization effect.
Meteoropathy affects people in their middle ages, but anyone can be affected – from babies to older people.
Symptoms of Meteoropathy
Meteoropathy symptoms usually occur 24-48 hours before the weather change.
The physical symptoms of meteoropathy are migraines, headaches, dizziness, nausea, fainting, pains in the field of old injuries, rheumatic pains, and muscle aches. Some of the mental symptoms are fatigue, irritability, mood swings, apathy, lethargy, decreased concentration, coordination and thinking, and sleep disturbances.
People that have “sensitive” heart might experience an increase in blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, rapid heartbeat, and chest discomfort. During this period, is a higher incidence of strokes and heart attacks due to ischemia of the brain and heart in heart patients, the smokers and elderly.
Meteoropathy also causes a higher incidence of asthma attacks and inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, and pleura in patients suffering from diseases of the lungs and bronchi, and a higher incidence of gall and kidney attack, especially early in the morning and at night.
People with abdominal issues, experience stomach pain and aggravation of gastritis due to a gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
How Atmospheric Pressure Changes Affect Us
According to biometeorologist Jennifer Vanos, Ph.D., your blood pressure drops when the barometric pressure does so. For some, this means blurred vision and a feeling of dizziness. (1)
Researchers in a study published in the journal Internal Medicine asked migraine patients to keep a diary for their headaches for one year. After comparing their diaries with the changes of barometric pressure noted at the nearby weather station, they noted a direct correlation between the duration and onset of migraines and lower atmospheric pressure. Their report concluded that one of the exacerbating factors of migraine headaches can be a barometric pressure change. (2)
Vanos also says that diabetics, during cold fronts, will have more trouble controlling their blood sugar. And cold fronts are accompanied by changes in barometric pressure. According to Vanos, blood thickness, or viscosity, increases during cold fronts, making it hard to keep blood sugar stable.
The American Diabetes Association in a study about the variations in air pressure and effectiveness of insulin pumps found that decreases in air pressure may cause trapped air in the pump to create small bubbles that affect the delivery of insulin. (3)
200 patients with knee osteoarthritis were surveyed by researchers at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston and found a link between changes in ambient temperature and barometric pressure and changes in knee pain severity. It is possible that barometric pressure triggers the pain responses in the nerve endings of the joint or affects the viscosity of the fluid that lines joint sacs. Either way, it’s what our grandmas are saying: when a storm is approaching some people feel pain in their joints. (4)
How to Reduce the Meteoropathy Symptoms
- Regularly follow the weather forecast if you are suffering from meteoropathy in order to prepare yourself for the weather changes and to ease or avoid the symptoms that occur.
- Various natural food supplements and herbs can help. For the best results, you should start taking them at least three days before expected symptoms occur.
- If you suffer from meteoropathy, always have at hand hawthorn, chamomile tea, or lime because it will reduce tension and nervous irritability.
- Lavander oil does wonder- just a few drops a day will clear your head and relax the tension.
- In the case of high humidity and heavy fog, asthmatics and people that are facing chronic illnesses might experience health difficulties. The best is to stay in warm and drink teas that encourage better blood circulation such as angelica tea.
- Try to keep the temperature inside your home to about 20 degrees. The high temperature in your household besides intense headaches can also weaken your immune system.
- Physical activity, especially stretching exercises make your nerves and muscles much more resistant to climate fluctuations and weather changes.
Rhodiola Rosea
Studies show that Rhodiola rosea lowers the stress level and at the same time has a vitalizing and calming effect. (5) (6)
Rhodiola boosts stress resistance and memory, restores physical strength, and prevents mood changes.
It is beneficial for high or low blood pressure, heart weakness and arrhythmias. Thanks to its active ingredients it successfully decreases the levels of inflammations in the body.
Rhodiola preparations also increase the working abilities, physical and mental, while decreasing exhaustion and postponing fatigue.
Rhodiola is highly recommended for a headache, insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression, muscular pain, tension and high blood pressure.
Recommended dosage of its extract is 288 – 680 mg daily.
Siberian Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng stimulates and strengthens the body.
Extract of Siberian Ginseng has adaptogen effect that can be very useful in people who suffer from meteoropathy. This is because it helps the body to adjust to stress. (7)
This plant has been used for increasing the general body resistance, enhancing work abilities, physical condition, for strengthening the blood vessels, heart, and nervous system.
Recommended dosage is 200 – 300 mg per day. Persons who suffer from high blood pressure should be cautious when taking this preparation.
Guarana seeds extract stimulates central nervous system and eliminates fatigue.
It is used to improve sports achievements and enhance cognitive functions. (8)
Guarana contains high levels of caffeine but unlike coffee, it doesn’t cause negative effects such as fast heart rate and heart knocking.
Guarana decreases anxiety, protects neurons, relaxes the muscles, and stimulates sex desire. It is very beneficial for people with low blood pressure.
Recommended dosage of guarana powder is 0,5 – 1 g per day.
If you suffer from high blood pressure consult your doctor before taking guarana.
Along with the listed teas and food supplements, it is recommended to increase your intake of vitamin B and magnesium.
Regular exercise in open and frequent walk in nature is the best remedy for meteoropathy and the best of all is that they are completely free.
DISCLAIMER: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
This article appeared first at Health Tips Now and appears here with permission.