15 Best Kidney Detox Herbs and Recipes
Kidney detox, along with the liver and colon cleanse are the top three detoxes and cleanses people should be doing on a regular basis. Unfortunately, people tend to forget about the importance of kidney detox.
A kidney detox is especially important if have any kidney stone symptoms or if you’ve ever suffered from any type of infection, any type of urinary tract infection and any type of fluid retention. It is important also if you’ve done a series of liver cleanses.
Additionally, you may have to take extra steps to detox your kidneys if you have symptoms such as pain in your kidneys after eating, skin rashes, feeling fatigued or unusually moody, bloating, acne, eczema, sudden weight gain and problems like frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs).
A good kidney detox will help to get rid of most of the tiny stones in a few days. But bigger stones, depending on the size, can take a few weeks or more.
There are many types of kidney detoxes, but the common factor that is running through all of them is the drinking of abundant amounts of fruit juices and water; and avoiding excessive protein, coffee, and chocolate.
Functions of the Kidney
- Erythrocyte production – erythropoietin (stimulates production of red blood cells)
- Elimination of metabolic wastes
- Vitamin D activation
- Fluid balance
- Acid – Base balance
- Electrolyte balance
- Blood pressure regulation
- Prostaglandin synthesis
In order to do a kidney cleanse, you need to eat the best fruits, vegetables, and herbs for kidney health.
15 Best Kidney Detox Herbs & Recipes
The recipes below eliminate toxins and any stones you may have by naturally stimulating the detox process in your kidneys.
1. Stinging Nettle
Stinging nettle increases urine production due to its diuretic properties promotes renal excretion and helps remove metabolic waste. Also, it is really high in vitamin C.
Stinging nettle keeps bacteria away and reduces the risk of kidney infections and helps keep crystals from forming into stones.
The best is to use it as a tea – three glasses of nettle tea a day.
- In a cup of hot, boiled water steep 2 teaspoons of dried or fresh nettle.
- Steep it for about 15 minutes.
- Strain and if you want you can add a little honey.
2. Dandelion Root
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study about dandelion as a diuretic in human subjects. (1) Due to its diuretic properties, it helps cleanse both liver and kidneys. Moreover, it soothes irritation in the urinary system and relieves water retention.
For kidney detox, you can drink 2 cups of dandelion tea two times a day for a few weeks.
- In 1 cup of boiling water add 2 teaspoons of dried dandelion and boil it for 5 minutes.
- Leave it to steep for about 10 minutes.
- Strain and drink the tea.
3. Burdock root
Burdock root is an excellent natural diuretic. Its consumption will help your body to eliminate excess water. Burdock’s diuretic properties also help to remove waste from the body and blood.
If you want to prepare tea from burdock root the instructions are same as the dandelion root tea.
4. Uva Ursi
Uva ursi is an herb and due to its natural diuretic properties it fights kidney infections and helps cleanse the kidneys. The main component of uva ursi that makes this herb a natural diuretic is a phenolic glycoside called arbutin. It also helps keep in balance the pH of urine from being too acidic.
Uva ursi has astringent properties that encourage harmful bacteria and toxins to pass out of the kidneys.
5. Horsetail
Horsetail is a common herb with antioxidant and diuretic properties. So, besides that it increases urine output it offers many benefits to the renal system and kidneys.
- In a cup of boiling water add 1 to 3 teaspoons of dried or fresh horsetail.
- Cover it and leave it to steep for 10 minutes and strain.
You can drink two or three cups of this tea daily for a week to detox your kidneys.
6. Corn Silk
Corn silk stimulates urine production and helps remove the water and waste from the kidneys. You can use it to treat urinary infections, bladder infections, and kidney stones.
- In one cup of boiling water add 2 teaspoons of dried corn silk.
- Cover and steep for 15 minutes, then strain it.
- Drink this tea two or three times a day.
- Keep in mind to drink plenty of fluids among the corn silk tea to cleanse your kidneys.
7. Parsley
Parsley is a powerful, natural diuretic herb that can detox kidneys. Its diuretic properties are due to compounds myristicin and apiol. It promotes increased output of urine to help flush bacteria and germs out of the kidneys. Numerous studies confirm its amazing diuretic properties. (2) (3)
To detox your kidneys drink a 2-3 cups of parsley tea for about a week.
- In one cup of boiling water add 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley.
- Cover and steep for 5-10 minutes, then strain it.
You can also include fresh parsley in your salad and other dishes.
8. Celery
Celery is another common herb with natural diuretic properties. Additionally, it contains essential nutrients that stimulate your kidneys. In fact, regular intake of celery can prevent infections and kidney stones.
- For kidney detox, drink 1 glass of celery juice daily for a few weeks.
- Make a glass of juice by blending 1 cucumber, 2 celery ribs, 1 carrot, and ½ cup fresh parsley in a juicer. Drink one glass a day for a few weeks.
- Or you can make juice by blending ½ lemon, ½ green apple, 3 dandelion leaves, 2 celery stalks and a chunk of broccoli stalk. Drink this juice once a day for a few weeks.
9. Marshmallow
Marshmallow promotes kidney health, fight bladder, kidney, and urinary tract infections and helps cleanse the kidneys from the buildup of toxins.
- In one cup of hot water add 1 tablespoon of dried marshmallow leaves and roots.
- Steep for 10 minutes, and then strain it.
To detox your kidneys, drink two cups a day for a week of this herbal tea.
10. Turmeric
Turmeric cleanses the kidneys, purifies the blood, and detoxes your liver. Moreover, it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat and prevent kidney infections and inflammation.
- In a cup of warm water mix juice of ½ or 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon of raw turmeric juice, a little honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Drink this once a day for a few weeks.
- In 2 cups of boiling water add ½ teaspoon each of dry ginger powder and turmeric powder. Simmer for 10 minutes, and then strain it. Add 1 tablespoon of maple syrup and the juice of ½ lemon. Drink this once a day for a few weeks.
11. Ginger
Ginger is another effective detoxifying herb for the kidneys and liver.
- In two cups of water add two teaspoons of fresh grated ginger. Simmer for 10 minutes and then strain. You can also add honey and lemon juice. Drink this tea two or three times a day.
12. Seaweed
Seaweed is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. It is always a great idea adding a tablespoon of chlorella or spirulina to a smoothie in the morning.
Both of these seaweed byproducts can detox heavy metals from the body, and therefore to detox the kidneys. (4) (5) Additionally, brown seaweed has been proven to cleanse both the kidneys and liver.
13. Cranberries
Cranberries prevent and treat UTIs as numerous studies show. (6)(7)
So eating dry, fresh or frozen cranberries or drinking cranberry juice throughout the day is a great way to start a kidney detox.
Cranberries also work fantastic combined with celery so don’t hesitate to mix them in a smoothie.
14. Blueberries
Blueberries contain a very specific type antioxidant – resveratrol, that is great for eliminating uric acid. In fact, it is one of the most important compounds for kidney health. It is promising therapy for chronic kidney disease and can rescue kidney mitochondrial function and slow down the progression of polycystic kidney disease. (8) (9) (10)
15. Beets and Spinach
Both beets and spinach can help detox the body overall, including the kidneys. Beets are high in nitric oxide NO2 which is amazing for naturally detoxifying the blood.
NO2 is vital to kidney function and its decreased production can contribute to kidney damage. (11)
On the other hand, spinach is a powerhouse food. It is high in certain antioxidants and high in B vitamins that help cleanse the whole body, especially the kidneys.
Additional Tips
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day in order to prevent dehydration.
- Avoid smoking and excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol.
- Strive to maintain normal blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
- Keep your cholesterol level in check.
- Maintain a healthy body weight or try to lose weight if you are overweight.
- Avoid too much salt and fried food.
- Follow a diet rich in green vegetables and fruits.
DISCLAIMER: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
This article appeared first at Health Tips Now and appears here with permission.Â